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Brit movie/tv quiz.

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  • zabadak
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    Zabadak....right or wrong?
    Yes, Hawkwind! Proceed...

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  • tex
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Zabadak....right or wrong?

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Originally posted by zabadak View Post
    One of my favourite films! The Final Programme with Finch as Jerry Cornelius!

    Which group took some of the imagery of this film, and the other Cornelius stories, and used it I song?
    I like Jon Finch.. but not The Final Programme I have to say. Will have to leave your question to others.

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  • tex
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Originally posted by zabadak View Post
    One of my favourite films! The Final Programme with Finch as Jerry Cornelius!

    Which group took some of the imagery of this film, and the other Cornelius stories, and used it I song?
    Moorcock was also a musician and had affiliations with both Hawkwind and Blue oyter cult....Either of these?

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  • zabadak
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Originally posted by staffslad View Post
    Michael Caine *Correct*

    Name the 1973 sci-fi film that starred Jon Finch and was adapted from a Michael Moorcock novel.
    One of my favourite films! The Final Programme with Finch as Jerry Cornelius!

    Which group took some of the imagery of this film, and the other Cornelius stories, and used it I song?

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  • staffslad
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Michael Caine *Correct*

    Name the 1973 sci-fi film that starred Jon Finch and was adapted from a Michael Moorcock novel.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Who played the character Harry Palmer on film.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Originally posted by staffslad View Post
    The hardcore sex scenes were apparently filmed without the knowledge of the main cast.

    Reading accounts of Caligula's life, it appears that when he first became Emperor he was very popular with the citizens of Rome. He suffered some very serious illness during his reign which seems to have changed his personality drastically and really put him on the road to becoming the monster we know about today. After his sister, Drusilla, died he became even more psychotic.
    Interesting. Correct on Bob Hoskins. staffslad if you know answer. confirm it and post another.

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  • staffslad
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    Caligula was a real nasty *******, the film was basically soft porn however which was passed off as high drama

    The hardcore sex scenes were apparently filmed without the knowledge of the main cast.

    Reading accounts of Caligula's life, it appears that when he first became Emperor he was very popular with the citizens of Rome. He suffered some very serious illness during his reign which seems to have changed his personality drastically and really put him on the road to becoming the monster we know about today. After his sister, Drusilla, died he became even more psychotic.

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  • staffslad
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
    Who played Harold Shand in Long Good Friday.

    Bob Hoskins. One of the best British gangster films, right up there with Get Carter imo.

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  • tex
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
    Correct on Warren Clarke.

    Yours is Caligula. What a sicko he was. confirmed.
    Caligula was a real nasty *******, the film was basically soft porn however which was passed off as high drama

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Who played Harold Shand in Long Good Friday.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    Correct on Warren Clarke.

    Yours is Caligula. What a sicko he was. confirmed.

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  • tex
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    ....But Malcolm mcdowell once played a roman emperor, which one and name the film?

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  • tex
    Re: Brit movie/tv quiz.

    No i diden't, it was Warren clarke!

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