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Christmas crackers

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  • Christmas crackers

    Christmas crackers are rubbish these days. All of them (even the cheap ones) are filled with classy necklaces or fetching pens. Whatever happened to the fabulously tacky crackers of my youth? Tissue paper hats, a bad joke and your choice of a red fortune-telling fish, a black moustache to clip on your nose, a strange orange finger nail that never fit on your finger, or a plastic spinning top + others. Bring back 80s Christmas crackers!

    Do You Remember the 70s, 80s and 90s?

  • #2
    Re: Christmas crackers

    Someone I knew had some ones like that a few year ago. Often they wouldn't bang & the jokes were awful as well.

    I remember getting a little pink motorbike in one that fell to pieces. One of my cousins got one the same out of those egg laying machines that used to be infront of newsagents & smaller supermarkets.
    The Trickster On The Roof


    • #3
      Re: Christmas crackers

      I used to have a big Tin of assorted cr*p from 1970s-1990s Christmas crackers. I wish I could remember where they went. I loved them and would scour the table tops and floor after every party I went to to collect them. You can still get 70s style utter sh*t from pound shops.


      • #4
        Re: Christmas crackers

        I always seemed to end up with the black plastic moustache...BUT I didnt actually realise it was a nose clip moustache...I thought it was a plastic bat, always seemed to be one of those spinning top dice things also.


        • #5
          Re: Christmas crackers

          Early 70's crackers made fom pastel coloured crepe paper, with silver cuffs on the end and a motif in the middle from the same silver paper, lovely!

          Inside was a very tame motto, along with a dreadful moulded pink plastic woman pushing a pram, but we loved them!


          • #6
            Re: Christmas crackers

            My vote for the worse ever Christmas cracker 'toy' has got to go to those sweet paper type fish that you clapped in your hand then watched curl up!


            • #7
              Re: Christmas crackers

              Originally posted by huggie74 View Post
              My vote for the worse ever Christmas cracker 'toy' has got to go to those sweet paper type fish that you clapped in your hand then watched curl up!
              Ha ha they were rubbish but it wasn't Christmas without one. They told your fortune! The whole year ahead was determined by the activities of the fish around the Christmas table .
              1976 Vintage


              • #8
                Re: Christmas crackers

                Originally posted by huggie74 View Post
                My vote for the worse ever Christmas cracker 'toy' has got to go to those sweet paper type fish that you clapped in your hand then watched curl up!
                Those little fishys have determined my whole life since I was 6. They were genius.


                • #9
                  Christmas dinner

                  This reminds me of one christmas when we were round at my aunties on Boxing day and my cousin had her friend there. I was about 8 then, she and her friend were in their early 20s.

                  At this point I'd never come across the concept of vegetarianism or indeed any type of pasta that hadn't come out of a tin labelled Heinz. While we were tucking into turkey, my cousin's friend (who looked strange to me anyway as she was a goth) was eating shells! They were pasta shells - I didn't know this, I just remember sitting there quietly thinking OMG she's eating SHELLS, why?!?
                  1976 Vintage


                  • #10
                    Re: Christmas dinner

                    Does anyone remember the football game that was printed on the box of Tom Smith crackers in the early 80's. It used a regular die and a special one with instructions such as 'left diagonal', 'forward' and 'reverse'. The pitch was was made up of coloured squares you moved around. It was such an impressive game but I don't see anything about it online.

