Picadilly Radio is a Manchester uk based commercial radio station
The more memorable events were when that annoying phleb Timmy Mallet hosted a quiz where you asked him a question & if he answered correctly you had to go tho the studios & give him a present.
The prizes he won included a Hari Krishma record which he constantly played lol & a parakeet to which he said "What am I going to do with a parakeet?" Some bright spark suggested he has it for dinner lol
There was also a presenter Susie Mathis who was hosting a phone-in show about the rights & wrongs of an abortion. Some troll phoned in & told her she is against abortion because she lost her own baby so naturally she would be against abortion
The more memorable events were when that annoying phleb Timmy Mallet hosted a quiz where you asked him a question & if he answered correctly you had to go tho the studios & give him a present.
The prizes he won included a Hari Krishma record which he constantly played lol & a parakeet to which he said "What am I going to do with a parakeet?" Some bright spark suggested he has it for dinner lol
There was also a presenter Susie Mathis who was hosting a phone-in show about the rights & wrongs of an abortion. Some troll phoned in & told her she is against abortion because she lost her own baby so naturally she would be against abortion