One Christmas I got a little Pye tape recorder and I loved it! Me and my friend used to record radio shows on it. we'd have a top ten count down and would play all our 45" singles with Bucks Fizz at number one, then we'd have an outside broadcast and would use my friend's Dempsey and Makepeace detective phones for that authentic crackly effect. They weren't proper walkie talkies as they were attached by a wire, but to make it real we'd sling one out the window and do the interview from there (said interview being an exclusive with an Oscar-winning actess (aka my friend's little sister), or the prime minister (aka my mam). Sometimes we'd spy on our neighbours and convince ourselves that the bloke next door was infact burying a body rather than digging up his potatoes and we'd run a World exclusive. We's also have the horoscope nicked out of that day's news of the world, and the news, where I pretended to be Angela Rippon. Great fun!
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Making radio shows
Re: Making radio shows
Making tapes (or 'shows' as my friend and I would call them) was a regular pastime at the tail end of the '70s. If I could describe them it'd have to be a mix of Monty Python and the Kenny Everett TV show only a lot less funny. They'd be full of sketches and nonsense with custom made covers and everything. It'd be a big event (to us) when a new show came out and you'd consider yourself a recording master if you could edit on a music centre without hearing the pause clicks.
I've still got mine and keep meaning to rip them to the ipod but I'm not sure I could hack listening to a 30 year younger me desperately trying to be funny anymore
Re: Making radio shows
Originally posted by Trickyvee View PostWe would have killed for a video camera to make TV shows too.Our school got a black and white video camera in 1980 and we managed to borrow it make 'films' (and I use the term very loosely). We did our own movie about a monster dragged people into toilets (!), a version of Star Wars using the toys and the Story of Star Wars LP as a soundtrack, lots of spoof adverts and a silly sports. Our claim to fame was having a clip of two cotton buds wrestling in our World of Sport take off shown on Noel Edmond's Late Late Breakfast Show. He must have shown about 5 seconds before cutting it and declaring he was 'against bud sports (geddit!).
Re: Making radio shows
me and my sis were always making radio shows, she had a tape recorder, think it might of been playschool, but before that we used to use the ones from the spectrum. We used to get my mum to do a gardening or cooking section.
Re: Making radio shows
I did so many "radio shows" with various friends, we even came up with our own jingles, we were even doing it in our late teens when we should have been doing something more constructive like boozing and shagging! They became more technically advanced too as the last one we ever did was in stereo as I had a Phillip's Tandem Ghetto blaster with stereo mics! We did a juke-box jury style show where we imitated various pop-stars from that particular era..I seem to remember I was Souxie Sioux and my two mates were Shane McGowan and Pete Burns. That tape must be kicking around my mother's place somewhere.....