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Who Taped the Charts????

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  • Who Taped the Charts????

    Whatever happened to listenng to the charts on a Sunday night?, Listening to Bruno Brookes running down the charts. It was always a pain stopping the tape deck at the right time to cut out his voice on the end of a song. Did anyone else do this??? or am i the only sado.........

  • #2
    Re: Who Taped the Charts????

    No I did it too.


    • #3
      Re: Who Taped the Charts????

      No, i believe i did that once. The charts used to be great but now...just not the same.
      Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional


      • #4
        Re: Who Taped the Charts????

        A sign of us getting old or the fact we have timeless taste in music!! maybe a bit of both


        • #5
          Re: Who Taped the Charts????

          I also remember taping the Star Wars radio serialisation off the radio as it was before video tapes and there was no way the film would have been on the telly. Films also seemed to take forever to come out on video when they finally materialised but it was nice to have seen nearly all the films in the local video shops, no chance of that nowadays!

          One of the local video shops here has the best name ever - "Planet of the Tapes" - how good is that?


          • #6
            Re: Who Taped the Charts????

            Oh yes, Sunday's wern't Sunday's without taping the charts.


            • #7
              Re: Who Taped the Charts????

              I used to listen to the 'top 5' on a Tuesday lunch time (thats when the new chart used to be out) to hear what position one's I liked were. The on a Sunday I would tape them I liked from the postion I heard on Tuesday. Totally illegal but everyone did it.
              sigpic I WANT ONE NOW!!!!!


              • #8
                Re: Who Taped the Charts????

                ok it wasnt the charts , but my mate used to tape the music from the professionals and the dukes of hazard on a tape recorder whilst knelt in front of the telly and then used to play the music in his addidas bag on the way to junior school every day.


                • #9
                  Re: Who Taped the Charts????

                  Originally posted by Stockcarfan View Post
                  I used to listen to the 'top 5' on a Tuesday lunch time (thats when the new chart used to be out) to hear what position one's I liked were. The on a Sunday I would tape them I liked from the postion I heard on Tuesday. Totally illegal but everyone did it.
                  Ditto, used to come home from school at lunchtime and listen to the charts. Also used to record on a Sunday nights, "ssshh I'm taping" was a regular expression in my household

                  Sometimes we even used to take a radio out with us on a Sunday evening to listen to charts whilst we hung around the street corners.
                  The only thing to look forward to is the past


                  • #10
                    Re: Who Taped the Charts????

                    Yep,I did it too, but long before the days of Bruno Brooks
                    I can remember taping the Friday Rock show on a reel to reel recorder!
                    Last edited by sixtyten; 25-06-2007, 20:59.


                    • #11
                      Re: Who Taped the Charts????

                      yep i did the sunday taping also


                      • #12
                        Re: Who Taped the Charts????

                        Yes, I used to tape my favourite songs off the charts on a Sunday night. Used to have to make sure nobody flicked the light switch in the middle of recording coz of the interference.
                        "Ah, nostalgia ain't what it used to be..."


                        • #13
                          Re: Who Taped the Charts????

                          Originally posted by Daz View Post
                          Yep,I did it too, but long before the days of Bruno Brooks
                          I can remember taping the Friday Rock show on a reel to reel recorder!
                          Hey Daz I've got my eye on a Reel to Reel recorder for my eldest lad to do some experimental work with his Band..
                          I work as a Volunteer in the Chirty shop that it's at,so I should get it on the cheap......

                          As far as taping the Charts on a Sunday Teatime goes I think we have all done it one time or another,I know I did......


                          • #14
                            Re: Who Taped the Charts????

                            Guess this campaign was pretty much ignored then
                            Last edited by sixtyten; 26-06-2007, 01:08.


                            • #15
                              Re: Who Taped the Charts????

                              I will get one of these one day..despite it being "old technology",

