Does ANYONE please god remember "Cheeky Mouse"?
It was a small carryable little plastic case in light blue, yellow or pink with a handle. The case itself was a house with a handle at the top, it had a window and a door on the front of the case and above the door it said "cheeky mouse" ...
Inside this case was this house which also contained this bloody cheeky mouse with a tiny white plastic body, pink rubber ears and a pink rubber tail ...
(I think you had a brown mouse if the house set was light blue... this might of been for the boys I just dunno...)
Help... it's driving me crazy!
It was a small carryable little plastic case in light blue, yellow or pink with a handle. The case itself was a house with a handle at the top, it had a window and a door on the front of the case and above the door it said "cheeky mouse" ...
Inside this case was this house which also contained this bloody cheeky mouse with a tiny white plastic body, pink rubber ears and a pink rubber tail ...
(I think you had a brown mouse if the house set was light blue... this might of been for the boys I just dunno...)
Help... it's driving me crazy!
