Anybody remember this? It came as a fake cardboard briefcase with the usual spy bits like revolver, silencer, grenade, finger print kit, passport, binoculars, decoding wheel. It also had inserts with pictures of folded clothing inside to conceal the spy gadgets. Can't find any mention of it when i google. This was one of my favourite toys as a kid. Very James Bond.
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Thomas Salter spy kit
Re: Thomas Salter spy kit
No, but the name does ring a bell.
The one in my life as a kid (it was actually my cousin's: he had a lot of cool toys) was this one:
Secret Sam.
Secret Sam - Secret Agent Spy Toy"It's never too late to have a happy childhood."
Re: Thomas Salter spy kit
Originally posted by Emettman View PostNo, but the name does ring a bell.
The one in my life as a kid (it was actually my cousin's: he had a lot of cool toys) was this one:
Secret Sam.
Secret Sam - Secret Agent Spy ToyThat would have rocked my world back then. Looks amazing!
Re: Thomas Salter spy kit
Not the one, but worth a post I think
Thomas Salter Secret Code Set 1979
The Game Contains:-- 2 'Combination Cyphers'
- 2 'Code Watches'
- 2 'Scytale Staffs' with end caps
- 2 'Enigma Codes'
- And The Game Instructions Leaflet.
Re: Thomas Salter spy kit
Ok here we go at last, hold on to your seat Branny
Item H The Thomas Salter Spy kit
I thank youHeather
Re: Thomas Salter spy kit
Spent HOURS in a toyshop as a child, attempting to spend some Xmas cash.. Looked at Little Big Men, Havoc, Airfix, Action Man.. but just could not make a choice.
I finally came away (much to my Mother's displeasure) with the Thomas Salter Spy Kit.
She wasn't annoyed at the hours wasted picking the toy, but the contents of the box, which was pretty poor, but dressed up nicely.
I think it was the cardboard Briefcase that finally sold it to me.. the rest of the contents were a cheap gun & silencer, and more cardboard.
I seem to recall the price was way more than the sum of the parts. The little camera & binoculars were super cheapo, and the fingerprint kit was little more than talcum powder.
Once I got it home, the disapointment soon set in.
Saw one a few years ago at a bootsale, but it was water damaged
Can you identify any of the other parts, branny?
I can see the fake money,passport, code breaker, ID card, magnifying glass, fingerprint set, gun, binos, and a few I can't rememberLast edited by sixtyten; 05-09-2010, 20:30.
Re: Thomas Salter spy kit
Originally posted by Emettman View PostNo, but the name does ring a bell.
The one in my life as a kid (it was actually my cousin's: he had a lot of cool toys) was this one:
Secret Sam.
Secret Sam - Secret Agent Spy Toy
Yes i had one of them you had a button on the outside of the case which let you shoot the gun while still inside the case, if you look in the picture you can see that there is a channel that lets the gun fire with the case closed.