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Public Information Films (PIFS)
I remember many of the road safety campaigns shown throughout the 80's, most of which you can see on DVD if you know where to look.
There is one that is eluding me though.
It was promoting awareness at junctions and had a rather distinctive tune to which the lyrics "there's a junction coming, there's a junction coming, lead the road" repeated throughout.
It was an early to mid 80's advert as far as I am aware and featured luminescent green computer graphics to show the car approaching the junction and completing what would be considered a safe turning maneuver.
Anybody have any ideas?? It was real I'm sure.
I been looking through the archive link but can't find this one...
Two guys carrying a big pane of glass behind a factory ,round the corner an office girl says 'Bye then' to co-worker and runs round and slams into the glass
Voice over says 'you never know whats around the corner -so don't run'
Re: Safety Ads
Another one has the pickpocket talking to the presenter and telling him he likes working in a big crowd like a race meeting or a sports stadium.
The presenter asks him where a safe place from pickpockets is and the villain looks at camera and says 'In a nudist colony'
"poor is the man who's pleasures depend on the permission of another"
Do You Remember This Road Safety Ad?
There's a road safety ad that scared the pants off me as a little girl, and I've been trying to find it for ages now but no luck... In it a little boy sees his mother being knocked down by a car, and I think it was just the look of fear on the little boy's face and the thought the same happening to me and ending up motherless that scared me so much!I think the little boy is in a toy shop at the start of the ad if that is of any help...
Re: Safety Ads
My favourite safety/public info ads were the pylon one where the kid gets electrocuted and this one about escalator safety -
YouTube - 1970's Escalator Safety Public Information Film
The image of the welly boot getting crushed made such an impact on me that I'm still wary of escalators to this day - I always hesitate before getting on them because I'm scared of putting my foot too near the edge!!
Re: Safety Ads
Who remembers the very middle-class white bespectacled English suburban family dealing with their burst pipes? I think this was shown 1975-1976 or maybe even earlier. Once they'd all rallied round together with a spirit worthy of The Blitz and stopped the leaking pipes the voice-over congratulates Mr Everyman and his brood for doing such a good job and then adds the punch-line.."What a pity you let it happen in the first place!" A jolly old British classic! I defy anybody to find it on YouTube!
Re: Safety Ads
Here's some more
YouTube - Keep Britain Tidy - Keep it to yourself
YouTube - Scary 1970s British Public Information Films
YouTube - My dad in our new car!
Found it funny that Jimmy Saville spent years telling us to clunk click and then suddenly decides this is the age of the train lol.Last edited by branny; 22-02-2009, 13:02."GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER"
Re: Safety Ads
Recently watched the two-disc Charley Says DVD and was amazed how many of the PIFs I remembered: Play Safe, Green Cross Code, Think Bike, Lonely Water. Engrossing in an odd kind of way, and I'm sure more than enough 'classics' have survived to make another volume. They've become social history now which is really rather odd.
PIFs now may be more graphic in some ways but will they be remembered with fear and fondness after 30/40 years?
Re: Safety Ads
I remember a British Gas one from the 1980s with a couple who come into their home to find a gas leak. This ended with someone about to turn a light on shouting "NO!" with a scary echo effect on it.
One that isn't the Charlie Says series is one where a boy does something daft on a bike & gets it run over by a Mk1 Cavalier.
Another omission was one where a tired driver runs into the back of a girl riding a horse, & ends with a freezeframe of a hoof coming through the windscreen Carrie style.
I used to get in trouble for laughing at the ones with simulated car crashes, especially the ones with crash dummies flying about in an Austin Princess.The Trickster On The Roof