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can someone help me identify this 80s horror movie uk

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  • branny
    Re: can someone help me identify this 80s horror movie uk

    I remember enjoying it when I saw it at the cinema. I've been looking for it on dvd as I wouldn't mind watching it again. The only things I can remember about it are the Sorcerer and the 3 bladed sword.

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  • darren
    Re: can someone help me identify this 80s horror movie uk

    this film from 1982 was superb.
    a real fave of mine o
    one of my fave films from the eighties for sure.

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  • NostalgiaGuy
    Re: can someone help me identify this 80s horror movie uk

    No problem, guys. It's given me a great excuse to watch the movie again!

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  • darren2010
    Re: can someone help me identify this 80s horror movie uk

    Thats the one, thanks nostalgia.

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  • Heather74
    Re: can someone help me identify this 80s horror movie uk

    Nice one Nostagia Guy

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  • NostalgiaGuy
    Re: can someone help me identify this 80s horror movie uk

    It's the deliriously entertaining The Sword And the Sorceror, from 1982. They really don't make 'em like this anymore!

    Here's the trailer. The 'bath of blood' can be seen at 30 seconds in:

    And here's the arrow-through-the-hand scene:

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  • can someone help me identify this 80s horror movie uk

    I was a kid when i saw this film so its vague but i remember it was set in medieval times and there was this monster type thing in a cave who was sat up in a bath of blood and you couldnt see his features as he was covered in gooey blood and you couldnt see his face. I also remember this scene where this peasent kid had his hand on a tree and someone shot an arrow through his hand and it all cracked round the wound. I think i saw this in 1984. Much appreciated.