Re: Which cartoon TV series did you hate most??
My Mum and Dad hated the HE MAN toys, so I guess it influenced me a lot, though I did get to watch the cartoon - I did hate the same bits of roto-scoped animation used continually - i.e. HE MAN punching someone in the face to camera, the transformation sequence, HE MAN running up and then twisting at the waist looking around became very noticable. Roto - scoping is when they film someone doing an action and then use that probably tracing over the frames to create the animation sequence...Incidentally, Alan Oppenheimer did the voices of BOTH HE MAN and SKELETOR....I also do a rather spiffing impression of the pair!
My Mum and Dad hated the HE MAN toys, so I guess it influenced me a lot, though I did get to watch the cartoon - I did hate the same bits of roto-scoped animation used continually - i.e. HE MAN punching someone in the face to camera, the transformation sequence, HE MAN running up and then twisting at the waist looking around became very noticable. Roto - scoping is when they film someone doing an action and then use that probably tracing over the frames to create the animation sequence...Incidentally, Alan Oppenheimer did the voices of BOTH HE MAN and SKELETOR....I also do a rather spiffing impression of the pair!