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The Henderson Kids

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  • The Henderson Kids

    Anyone remember this? Think they showed it Sunday mornings. It was Australian, Kylie was in it, and a lot of other pre-Neighbours actors. I think it was about a cave, there was something important in it, and some property developers were after the land or something? Top telly!

  • #2
    The Henderson Kids

    Anyone remember The Henderson Kids.

    A Austrailian childrens drama series feturing a teenage Kylie Minogue and a few other future neghbours stars. Channel 4 showed the series twice that I can remember during the schools holidays in the mid nineties I think it was. I quite enjoyed each half hour episode.
    sigpic I WANT ONE NOW!!!!!


    • #3
      Re: The Henderson Kids

      I've heard of it, but dont remember too much about it.


      • #4
        Re: The Henderson Kids

        I didn't think this would get much responce really. As it was only shown here the twice, I only got to see it by taping it while I was at work and watching it later.

        Oh well but I am getting both series on Aussie DVD c/o a friend in The Brisbane Stockrod Club.
        sigpic I WANT ONE NOW!!!!!


        • #5
          Re: The Henderson Kids

          Never watched it, know it give Ms Minogue her break
          The only thing to look forward to is the past


          • #6
            Re: The Henderson Kids

            She must have been about 13-15 in that!


            • #7
              Re: The Henderson Kids

              I remember it used to be on Sunday mornings I think. I watched quite a few episodes, don't remember too much what it was about but remember Kylie being in it and also Stefan Dennis (Paul Robinson from Neighbours). I'm pretty sure there were a few other Neighbours "stars" in it.
              "Ah, nostalgia ain't what it used to be..."


              • #8
                Re: The Henderson Kids

                I remember a series of The Henderson Kids with Nadine Garner. The brother and sister's dad disappeared or went away somewhere. I remember a scene where she tries to steal some meat by shoving it under her jumper.

                Good times.


                • #9
                  Re: The Henderson Kids

                  Yep, The Henderson Kids had 2 series here in Oz. The first series was set in the country town where they grew up (with Kylie playing 'Char') and then in second series they moved to the city and had to fend for themselves. Alex Papps (from early Home and Away eps) was in series 2 as well.

                  Used to shown on Saturday nights here and each episode was an hour long. Was a really great series for teenagers actually and a huge hit in Australia at the time.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Henderson Kids

                    I remember it being shown in the run up to Xmas 1989 on CBBC in the mornings.
                    The Trickster On The Roof


                    • #11
                      the henderson kids.

                      anyone remember this series.
                      it was an australian kids type show.
                      here is a clip.

                      it only lasted two seasons 85 and 86.
                      Last edited by darren; 08-12-2010, 02:04.
                      FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                      • #12
                        Re: The Henderson Kids

                        I have season one.I never bought season 2 because i didn't like the style of the dvds;From memory,here's no proper episode endings or anything ot just runs continuously and i didn't like it.The dvd i mean,not the show.


                        • #13
                          Re: The Henderson Kids

                          Some earlier BBC videos used to have episodes edited together.

                          The first few years of Dr Who releases & The video of The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy come to mind.
                          The Trickster On The Roof


                          • #14
                            Re: The Henderson Kids

                            Originally posted by Richard1978 View Post
                            Some earlier BBC videos used to have episodes edited together.

                            The first few years of Dr Who releases & The video of The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy come to mind.
                            Yeah, i wasn't happy about that,either.


                            • #15
                              Re: The Henderson Kids

                              you mean the first season on dvd did have proper endings such as ep 1 piliot episode 2 whatever its name was.

                              but the 2nd season it just ran continuously must have been a long dvd like 3 hrs long. i mean when u put the dvd in at the end it said like 3hrs hope i explained it right.

                              so why did they do this why did they change things for the 2nd series dvd.

                              Originally posted by stud1al View Post
                              I have season one.I never bought season 2 because i didn't like the style of the dvds;From memory,here's no proper episode endings or anything ot just runs continuously and i didn't like it.The dvd i mean,not the show.
                              FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL

