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Fat Tulip?

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  • Fat Tulip?

    Does anyone remember the programme 'Fat Tulip'?

    It was on Childrens ITV in the mid 1980s, around 1986 and was a programme with Tony Robinson on screen walking around narrating the adventures of (I think) a person called Fat Tulip and the friends he had in his garden. It was shown in the afternoons and was totally absurd. There was a sequel of stories called 'FAT TULIP TOO' which was a bit ****.... It was produced by Central Television and aired on ITV from 1985-87, in a 4:00pm timeslot, with each episode lasting about 10 minutes. Robinson would tell children's stories directly to camera in an English garden setting, and would put on all the voices himself. The show was written by Debbie Gates and Robinson and carried by Robinson's unique and engaging storytelling style, which was semi-improvised. Robinson hoped to provoke the imagination and produce a sense of immediacy in contrast to the shortcomings he saw in children's television at the time.
    The majority of the programme was filmed in the house and garden of Little Monkhams, a property in Woodford in the Redbridge Borough of London. Further scenes were filmed in the part of Epping Forest facing the house (Lord's Bushes and Knighton Woods)

    My one abiding memory was the story where-to run faster-you had to pour chocolate flavoured yogurt in one show and strawberry (or was it rasberry?) flavour yogurt in the other....This Tony Robinson did with literal gusto.... My Mum thought he was a real pillock and since that time I can't ever take the guy seriously, well, you can't really when you've seen him as the many incarnations of Baldrick.....

    Characters included: Thin Tim, Fred the Baddy, Gilbert Harding Sheep, Bunting Tadpole, Anwar and Amita Rabbit, Tracey Bee, a cockle called Jim Morrison.....and yeah I did a wikipedia search for the rest of this info!
    Last edited by Heather74; 18-06-2008, 21:20.

  • #2
    Re: Fat Tulip?

    Have read this post and now I've got odd memories of some kind of weird FAT TULIP theme tune going through my head

    Come on people --- advise on it !


    • #3
      Re: Fat Tulip?

      intro YouTube - Intro from Fat Tulip's Garden
      ending YouTube - Fat Tulip's Garden Ending
      episodes YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


      • #4
        Re: Fat Tulip?

        I did a spot of research to find out about the house that it was filmed at called Little monkhams and found that it burned down in 2007 in misterious circumstances. Apparently it burned to the ground hours before it was the subject of a planning hearing for it to be demolished and have flats built in its place. I think i found it on google earth its at 51 37 02.97N 0 02 15.36 if you want to have a look. Its still there in the google earth picture.


        • #5
          Re: Fat Tulip?

          Jeees... You have no idea how many years I have researched the internet and IMDB trying to remember the title of this show... it has been stuck in my head on a loop (one particular scene with Tony Robinson walking down a pathway with a wall covered in Ivy beside him) narrating a story (as you said)... but nobody I know remembered it and until now... almost 10 years of searching, I have found it - THANKYOU!

          Yes I loved this program as a kid, I am 26 now and would love to be able to go back to those days and watch the show again!

          Once again, thankyou for solving this Enigma of mine


          • #6
            Re: Fat Tulip?

            I really liked this when I was young, some of the stories were really barmy.

            I think there was another version of the opening titles, where at the end Tony Robinson falls over in some mud, gets his back totally covered & the a cartoon face is superimposed on top for some reason.
            The Trickster On The Roof

