Think this was late seventies ( or maybe not)
Guy who works in a bread factory or large bakers and he spends all day making loaves.
Spends a lot of time wise-cracking with workmates and talking about 'Tuppingware' -- so this was probably on BBC as not advertising Tupperware.
Anyways he does a Mensa test and for some reason passes it with a high IQ rating ( think he cheated without realising )
Rest of the comedy series was about him trying to become a high-achiever and thinking he was smarter than all around him
Only one more thing I remember about it was that he ( and am not 100% sure about this ) used to be in Doctor in the House tv series as one of the regulars
Any ideas what it was please ?
Guy who works in a bread factory or large bakers and he spends all day making loaves.
Spends a lot of time wise-cracking with workmates and talking about 'Tuppingware' -- so this was probably on BBC as not advertising Tupperware.
Anyways he does a Mensa test and for some reason passes it with a high IQ rating ( think he cheated without realising )
Rest of the comedy series was about him trying to become a high-achiever and thinking he was smarter than all around him
Only one more thing I remember about it was that he ( and am not 100% sure about this ) used to be in Doctor in the House tv series as one of the regulars
Any ideas what it was please ?