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Comic names from yesteryear

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  • #31
    Caught my eye

    Monster Fun



    • #32


      • #33
        Originally posted by Heather74 View Post
        Caught my eye

        Monster Fun
        Never had the Monster Fun comic, it was always Beezer, Beano Dandy and Topper, but I had 2000AD for the longest, I do have a couple of monster fun annuals tho

        Click image for larger version

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        • #34
          There were so many comics with Girls' names for titles (Tracy, Penny, Judy, Tammy, Tina), and then they'd combine and would sound like some kind of hillbilly name sometimes. I never understood the name Bunty though... was there ever some poor thing living with that for her first or even last name? Shades of Prunella Scales! Bunty sounds too much like Binty... should have been titled Mary after the Four Marys strip.

          I think Whizzer and Chips was the best all-around comic paper!
          My virtual jigsaws:


          • #35
            Bunty sounds like the sort of nickname a girl at a boarding school would get. My sister used to read Twinkle when she was young.
            The Trickster On The Roof


            • #36
              I assume that "Whizzer" and "Chips" were two separate comics before they merged? - one comic that comes to mind is Nutty, which merged with the Dandy, and was briefly called Dandy and Nutty?

              A lot of girls' comics (as well as magazines - think Jackie) had girls' names on them - not too many boys' names on comic titles, apart from Victor. Even Dandy was a girls' name (think Dandy Nichols).
              I've everything I need to keep me satisfied
              There's nothing you can do to make me change my mind
              I'm having so much fun
              My lucky number's one
              Ah! Oh! Ah! Oh!


              • #37
                Wizzer and chips was my regular then the Beezer as my favorite strip was the numskulls. As I got older I transitioned to the victor, reading it at one of my mums friends house who had two older sons.
                I then went on to Action , this was later banned because of the violence it depicted. It returned later but was incorporated with Battle comic, was toned down and was never the same. I had kept every issue and sold them on eBay a few years ago


                • #38
                  I think Whizzer & Chips was always a single comic, though there was an older unrelated comic called Illustrated Chips.
                  The Trickster On The Roof


                  • #39
                    I thought the same, that Whizzer and Chips were separate at one time... must be a website that could tell us!
                    My virtual jigsaws:


                    • #40
                      I thought that the "And" bit in the name indicated that it was a merger of two comics.

                      In around 1987, I had Action Force; a schoolfriend had Transformers, and around 1988, they merged so we had the same comic, and a year after that, it merged with something else.
                      I've everything I need to keep me satisfied
                      There's nothing you can do to make me change my mind
                      I'm having so much fun
                      My lucky number's one
                      Ah! Oh! Ah! Oh!


                      • #41
                        Just to clear up something about Whizzer & Chips, they were never separate comics. Rather, Chips was a comic inside Whizzer, and they could be separated if you undid the staples. There was a rivalry between the two comics, and characters from one would occasionally appear in a panel of the other comic. The main character in Whizzer was 'Sid's Snake' and in Chips it was 'Shiner', the former about the misadventures of a boy and his pet snake, and the latter about a boy who would always end up with a black eye by story end. I would buy Whizzer & Chips fairly regularly in the early 70s along with Cor!!, whose main character was Gus Gorilla.

                        Not sure if anyone has mentioned the UK versions of the Marvel comics that were published starting 1972. Ones I remember are Mighty World of Marvel (the first), Spiderman Comics Weekly, Dracula Lives, Planet of the Apes. I am sure there were more, but those were the ones I would buy most often. There was a Mighty World of Marvel annual, which I got for Christmas, only to find that the stories had already appeared in the weekly comic. There was a feature where kids could write in and swap things. A kid advertised wanting the Mighty World of Marvel annual for 20 US comics, so I wrote to him and swapped my annual for his comics - all done by post.


                        • #42
                          I had a random number of Marvels so often didn't get to finish some of the continuing stories. Star Wars Weekly and others with The Hulk mostly, except Doctor Who Weekly/Monthly which I did get consecutive issues of (and specials) while it was Marvel.
                          My virtual jigsaws:


                          • #43
                            I remember Krazy comic , it was a little different than the usual comics then I started to get Mad Magazine in my early teens


                            • #44
                              Warren Comics in the USA published a trio of B+W horror titles in the early 70s, Psycho, Scream and Nightmare. Top Sellers in the UK produced versions for the British market, but with fewer pages. I had a couple of the US originals and more of the UK versions. The UK ones I recall being quite graphically violent with very occasional nudity.

                              Another comic I used to buy regularly was Countdown circa 1970 or 1971. It featured sci-fi strips, including a Dr Who one if my memory hasn't failed me. Page numbering was back to front so that the first page was 32 and the final page was 1, mimicing a countdown.


                              • #45
                                I had/have a Countdown annual found second hand... didn't know that about the page numbering. I should dig up the one annual I have and see if they followed it on that. I picked it up for the Gerry Anderson content, the Doctor Who comics from back then I often find clunky (although the Marvel one got weaker eventually and I was buying for the vintage tv show content mainly circa Colin Baker starting).
                                My virtual jigsaws:

