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Clothes from the past you would not wear today

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Austin Maxi View Post
    In the early '90s, I had a couple of long-sleeve shirts with lurid patterns that could strip paint. I wouldn't dare wear anything as lairy these days.
    Yes buttoned up long sleeved shirts were the thing in the 90's. I had some terrible colours and patterns. Also I remember the big turning point in about '92 when everyone suddenly started wearing their shirts untucked from their jeans. Looked really odd at first.

    A mate of mine (honestly) used to have those weird shirts that changed colour depending in body heat. Ended up with a purple shirt with, like, green armpits !


    • #17
      Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

      Purple suede shoes,red and blue lace up brogues,midi coat white patent shoes


      • #18
        Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

        Shellsuits. Possibly the second biggest crime against humanity after The Big Bang Theory.


        • #19
          Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

          A pair of huge checked grey flairs that even I hated then (my Ma got them at a jumble sale, and she thought they were lovely) I also got from the same jumble sale, a pair of brown and cream Y fronts - Pure class


          • #20
            Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

            Flared Jeans and platform sandals jacket with large lapels


            • #21
              Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

              polar neck jumpers.


              • #22
                Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

                Originally posted by darren View Post
                polar neck jumpers.
                They would strangle me now hate them


                • #23
                  Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

                  You mean polo neck jumpers?


                  • #24
                    Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

                    Originally posted by zip55 View Post
                    You mean polo neck jumpers?
                    Oh yes it was darrens spelling mistake

                    red and white gingham dress with shiffon white sleeves and big collars


                    • #25
                      Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

                      One of those nylon bomber jackets that were in fashion for a while in the mid to late 1990s. The ones that had 'Kenwood', 'Alpine', 'NASA', 'White Dove' etc embroidered on the back. They seemed to come in black, navy or a funny shade of green and they all had an orange lining.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Powdered toast man View Post
                        One of those nylon bomber jackets that were in fashion for a while in the mid to late 1990s. The ones that had 'Kenwood', 'Alpine', 'NASA', 'White Dove' etc embroidered on the back. They seemed to come in black, navy or a funny shade of green and they all had an orange lining.
                        Yes I loved those at the time. God knows why. There was a phase of wearing collections of badges all over them, too. I always wondered where and how the fashion for those started.


                        • #27
                          Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

                          Recently there seemed to be a lot of shirts with patches sewn on, like an American mechanic's overalls.
                          The Trickster On The Roof


                          • #28
                            Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

                            thanks never knew it polo instead of polar.
                            dont know if this counts but id never wear vests they used to leave an awful mark on my shoulders where the strqaps where.

                            and them awful white string vests oh they where awful.

                            Originally posted by zip55 View Post
                            You mean polo neck jumpers?
                            FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                            • #29
                              Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

                              Trainers, not worn them for 20+ years


                              • #30
                                Re: Clothes from the past you would not wear today

                                Without a doubt, it has to suits!

                                I hold my hands up, I had a couple of shell suits in the early 90s

                                ** hangs head in shame **

