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Wearing Glasses

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  • #16
    Re: Wearing Glasses

    Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
    That looks like a picture that you would see on the wall inside a Dolland and Aitchison's in the early 1990s.

    I don't need glasses to see that she hasn't got a bra on.
    She was the prettiest one I found find ..

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


    • #17
      Re: Wearing Glasses

      Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
      She was the prettiest one I found find ..
      You don't read The Sun (or look at the pictures) do you?
      I've everything I need to keep me satisfied
      There's nothing you can do to make me change my mind
      I'm having so much fun
      My lucky number's one
      Ah! Oh! Ah! Oh!


      • #18
        Re: Wearing Glasses

        My reading glasses are similar to the girls above, i can fasten my buttons though while wearing them!!


        • #19
          Re: Wearing Glasses

          Since having bionic eyes installed to replace my worn-out, cataract-ridden old ones, I can see through walls (actually, I need glasses to read, which wasn't the case before...)!
          Time flies like the wind, fruit flies like bananas - go figure!


          • #20
            Re: Wearing Glasses

            I wore black NHS glasses from the age of about 10. I may have had the round, wire-framed ones prior to that as well. Back then--1970s--those were the only ones we could afford. There were no optician chains and no advertising allowed. Around 1979 I got some metal ones. Then about four years later some different silver metal ones, followed two years later by the same design but in gold. From about 1986 I would interchange those two pairs each time I needed new lenses, and stayed like that for about 14 years using those identical pairs.

            In the early 90s I thought I would try contact lenses. My eye condition meant I couldn't wear those soft plastic ones, instead I had to have the hard type and it was like having a piece of grit in each eye all the time so I went back to normal glasses--my trusty gold or silver framed pair. Another thing about the contact lenses was they were a devil to remove. The optician gave me a tool--a kind of stick with a sucker on the end that I had to press onto the lens and then wiggle about until they became loose.


            • #21
              Re: Wearing Glasses

              I had some frames which had new lenses put in to save money.
              The Trickster On The Roof


              • #22
                Re: Wearing Glasses

                Originally posted by Arran View Post
                C524 are the chunky NHS glasses I'm referring to in post #2. The two metal frames seem much rarer in the 1970s and 80s judging by school photos. You could get C524 with pink and blue frames as well as the more common black and brown.
                they were certainly the most popular although now that I think of it, there was one lad who had metal framed glasses throughout school. They weren't like those on that chart though so they must have been bought privately. They were more 'aviator' shaped - high fashion in the day!
                1976 Vintage


                • #23
                  I was thinking about this thread when I thought about our new PM Sir Keir Starmer who seems to wear glasses more on a regular basis these days since he's moved into Downing Street, but when he was Director of Public Prosecutions, he hardly worn them - I don't really remember him wearing them back then.

                  On the other hand, former Blackburn MP Jack Straw used to wear them during the early Blair era but stopped around the time when Gordon Brown was PM - but it made me think that he had contact lenses or something.
                  I've everything I need to keep me satisfied
                  There's nothing you can do to make me change my mind
                  I'm having so much fun
                  My lucky number's one
                  Ah! Oh! Ah! Oh!


                  • #24
                    Had to wear them at school and got bullied for it, like on Grange Hill in Series 10 when Trev and Imelda nicked that Kid's Glasses (not as they was taxed" as we termed pinching back that or like whatever, but it has always been an on-off story if I needed them so have always had a complex about wearing them-wearing them not

