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What were your favourite 80s clothes?

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  • Re: What were your favourite 80s clothes?

    Originally posted by 80sChav View Post
    I had forgot these Tex,great TS indeed and so often from memory guys in Adverts or in Magazines wore them to look acely trendy I found/thought!

    Very james dean me thinks
    Ejector seat?...your jokin!


    • Re: What were your favourite 80s clothes?

      Originally posted by tex View Post
      Very james dean me thinks
      True yes I agree - though he was not an 1980s Guy of course

      Unless of course your Rodney from Only fools and you make an hash of it, like he did

      On a sub-note though i'd swap the Jeans for Trakkies/Joggers mind as hate and detest Jeans!!


      • Re: What were your favourite 80s clothes?

        Originally posted by tex View Post
        Very james dean me thinks
        Agreed yeah but I prefer my Joggers or the like than Jeans or like Nike airMax trakkies/Joggers - like the leather esq kind/those what sqeak funny when you sit down!

        Talking of James Dean, Tex - that line from OFAH when Rodney dressed as so and either grandad or uncle Albert or Del said (but I think it was Uncle Albert now on reflection) that said "was that before the Car Crash or after" as poor Rodders had wrecked the effort so bad/badly - which is incvarably the case and can either make or wreck a style if not copied/immitated correctly! Never-theless what a corker of a line indeed no doubts



        • Re: What were your favourite 80s clothes?

          Originally posted by MalcolmAndSheldon View Post
          Slim black Madness tie with piano keys down one side.

          Flat-top haircut. As it grew out, I turned it into one of those fluffy Limahl style mullets - my most grievous fashion sin. I regret it even now.
          I not certain but half or way past half that Del Boy in Only fools had one of those - sure indeed they was the Bees Knees and represented style for a Nightclub before Nightlubs slacked 1000 degress on respectable dress codes!! Though saying that it night of been Mikey now thinking back not Del!! Either way though MalcomAndSheldon I think I'd only endorse it, if it was reversed tied like how we aimed for at School to copy Paul weller and co!



          • Re: What were your favourite 80s clothes?

            Can’t recall what I wore in the 80’s ( my twenties ) but I do recall wearing parallel trousers at secondary school , followed by two-tone parallels soon after ... I also remember going on holiday to St Ives , Cornwall in the mid seventies and being shocked how far behind they were as regards teenage fashions

            I also went through a phase of wearing ‘ loons ‘ which were skintight on the thigh and as wide as a tent from the knee down !!

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


            • Re: What were your favourite 80s clothes?

              Same here Zincubus mate - I never got being a Jeans man but Farrahs and Cororoy's was the "Order of the Day" Trousers-wise at Secondary Schoiol, though Cords was less easy to gottan away with mind!



              • The 1980s were a decade of daring fashion, colours, and silhouettes—as well as a lot of permed hair. It was one of the most diverse decades in fashion, with styles ranging from torn tights and biker jackets to polished lightweight blazers and poof dresses, and style icons ranged from Joan Jett to Joan Collins.


                • I had a pair of yellow leather trainer/boxer boots in the 80s , 2nd coolest to my Doc Marten shoes (toffee apple coloured)
                  I still have the shoes but the colour has darkened somewhat now.


                  • I bought a Bronx leather biker jacket from Lewis Leathers during the eighties. It was solid hide, took ages to break in and creaked every time I flexed my arms. I'm pretty sure I got it for a good price during a sale.
                    Biker jackets have always been a classic I suppose regardless of the decade. I wouldn't wear one now, just something to look back on.


                    • Farerahs, Cords, Shirt with Short Collars, Blazers and with Long Sleeved Polos!

