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Long shot sweet ID

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  • Long shot sweet ID

    In primary school a friend was always given a sweet from her gran as we walked home. I think I was jealous as I never got one! The sweets I think were boiled sweets. They were clear, rectangular and relatively narrow in shape with a small criss cross cube pattern on top. I only remember her having orange ones and perhaps red.

    They looked like they would be the type of non-descript sweet that comes out of big jars by the quarter, probably individually wrapped. Can anyone remember anything similar and perhaps a stab at the manufacturer?
    1976 Vintage

  • #2
    Re: Long shot sweet ID

    Similar size and shape as you mention. Fruit Bonbons?( not to be confused with the powdered round ones) the ones I recall were made by Pascall


    • #3
      Re: Long shot sweet ID

      Loved pascals fruit Bon bons. That were rectangular with rounded ends. I loved the strawberry ones and the blackcurrent too. Didn't like the chewy bit in the centre though. I spat that bit out!
      Heaven knows I'm miserable now.


      • #4
        Re: Long shot sweet ID

        There were all sorts of 'makes' of them, I just recall how narrow they were compared to other boiled sweets


        • #5
          Re: Long shot sweet ID

          I only remember the pascal ones. Individually wrapped in white paper with pictures of the fruit on the front.
          Heaven knows I'm miserable now.


          • #6
            Re: Long shot sweet ID

            Yeah those were the ones we had bet they aren't what Tricky's after at all!


            • #7
              Re: Long shot sweet ID

              They might have been a type of fruit bonbon but I'm not sure. Actually I'd forgotten about fruit bonbons. I am familiar with the ones in the fruit wrappers but I never knew they were called fruit bonbons! Am I right in thinking they were a bit soft in the middle? They were nice.

              The sweets I am talking about were the same shape and size as bonbons but had square ends and from what I could see, were very clear and hard like a Fox's glacier fruit. I suspect they might have just been some generic boiled sweet made by a local company.
              1976 Vintage


              • #8
                Re: Long shot sweet ID

                Ha yes bonbons were soft in the middle. Didn't spot it in SIT80's post!
                1976 Vintage

