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Pizza Flavoured Walkers Crisps (Not Bitza Pizza)???

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  • Heather74
    KP's version

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  • George 1978
    I vaguely remember Walkers doing pizza flavour crisps, and not the Bitza Pizza ones. I bet that pizza flavour was suggested several times duirng the Walkers Crisps' Do Us a Flavour campaign of 2008 - rather than hedghog flavour.

    I only remember yellow oackets used for the toasted cheese flavour.

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  • Richard1978
    Re: Pizza Flavoured Walkers Crisps (Not Bitza Pizza)???

    I remember the 1990s Pizza crisps came in a dark yellow bag, maybe the Italian flag one was a premotional one.

    At the same time as the Tomato Ketchup flavour was a Beef & Mustard or Beef & Horse Raddish flavor.

    More recently there has been Roast Lamb & Mint Sauce (dark green bag), & Cheese & Pickle which came in a lime green bag.

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  • Powdered toast man
    Re: Pizza Flavoured Walkers Crisps (Not Bitza Pizza)???

    I have a vague memory of Pizza flavoured Walkers in bags that were in bags printed to look like the Italian flag. They also did a Hot and Fruity flavour, Tomato Ketchup flavour and a Marmite(yuck) flavour not so long ago.

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  • Heather74
    Re: Pizza Flavoured Walkers Crisps (Not Bitza Pizza)???

    Originally posted by Richard1978 View Post
    I'm still here if you've not noticed.

    Walkers seemed to try a few new flavours in the early 1990s, some like Worcester Sauce stayed in production.
    I had noticed Richard... I wrote FORUM member not former member.
    I was just trying to point the member in the direction of other mentions .My apologies for treading on your toes it was not my intention

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  • Richard1978
    Re: Pizza Flavoured Walkers Crisps (Not Bitza Pizza)???

    Originally posted by Heather74 View Post
    you are not alone forum member Richard mentions them on this thread

    Will see if we can find a picture
    I'm still here if you've not noticed.

    Walkers seemed to try a few new flavours in the early 1990s, some like Worcester Sauce stayed in production.

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  • SeanWard
    Re: Pizza Flavoured Walkers Crisps (Not Bitza Pizza)???

    I really hope someone can find a picture, its like they just vanished off the face of the earth. Thank you for the info anyway, at least im not going mad and someone else remembers them, haha.

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  • Heather74
    Re: Pizza Flavoured Walkers Crisps (Not Bitza Pizza)???

    you are not alone forum member richard mentions them on this thread

    Will see if we can find a picture

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  • Pizza Flavoured Walkers Crisps (Not Bitza Pizza)???

    Hello, I wonder if anyone can help me?

    Can someone please tell me that they remember these crisps, every time I bring them up, people automatically assume Im referring to Walkers Bitza Pizza, this is not the case.

    If I recall, it was just before Walkers went from see though bags to foil bags, probably '93, maybe a little earlier. They are just normal looking Walkers crisps, but Pizza Flavour, the packet was maybe a reddish yellowy colour.

    If anyone could supply me a picture, it would be amazing, I can at least prove to the doubters that they actually do exist and just for piece of mind im not going crazy! Lol!

    Do you remember them?