Who remembers those strange vending machines from the 70's?
+ Chip vending machine that actually fried the chips often placed on filling station forecourts. Now what mindless cretin thought of that? A filling station forecourt that sells petrol? Later ones microwaved the chips
+ Hotdog vending machines
+ Parafin vending machines; take your own five litre container
+ Milk vending machines with the milk in a triangle carton
Preston bus station (largest bus station in Europe back then) had all of these vending machines
Who remembers any others?
+ Chip vending machine that actually fried the chips often placed on filling station forecourts. Now what mindless cretin thought of that? A filling station forecourt that sells petrol? Later ones microwaved the chips
+ Hotdog vending machines
+ Parafin vending machines; take your own five litre container
+ Milk vending machines with the milk in a triangle carton
Preston bus station (largest bus station in Europe back then) had all of these vending machines
Who remembers any others?