'Tring' comes from the letters on the tubes that fall BETWEEN the characters' fingers.
In order, from the first poster to the third this gives you:
'T' (ignore the 'Fru' as these fall to the left of the fingers)
'RI' (ignore the half an 'M' and 'S' as these fall to the right)
'N' and 'G' (ignore the 'F' and half 'S' as these fall to the left and right of the fingers)
It must be significant as
- the fingers are in such awkward positions
- there's no 'N' in Fruit Gums (as has been pointed out before)
- those half letters would have been full letters if significant, surely?
Interesting what you're saying about competition winners being published in the comics that the poster appeared in. I'd forgotten about that. I wonder if 2000AD would have published similar.
Unfortunately, all the old back issues of 2000AD that were in my parents' loft were recently cleared out.
Rowntree Mackintosh are no more, and it seems unlikely that someone at Nestle is going to trawl through old competition documentation to answer a question on an internet forum!
I quite like the notion that it will never be cracked though, like one of the ancient mysteries it will eventually die with its creators...

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