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Fussy eating!

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  • Fussy eating!

    These days I will eat almost anything and I wasn't a particularly fussy eater as a child, but I do remember having some brief and ridiculous fussy episodes with certain foods. I wouldn't eat sliced bread for a while because I didn't like the way the bubbles in it stretched in the corners of the slice?!? Also refused to drink orange juice with 'bits' in it. I mean, the bits are the best part!
    1976 Vintage

  • #2
    Re: Fussy eating!

    I remember my sister not liking ice cream because it was "too cold".
    The Trickster On The Roof


    • #3
      Re: Fussy eating!

      absolutely couldn't abide parsley sauce on my fish fingers, weird tasting stuff
      couldn't eat soup/gravy/custard if it had cooled and formed a skin, Doesnt bother me at all these days,


      • #4
        Re: Fussy eating!

        Yep. I was the same as well. I wouldn't eat any yoghurt that had fruit bits.
        I mostly wouldn't eat anything that contained onion, e.g. onion gravy and beefburgers with onion.


        • #5
          Re: Fussy eating!

          yes regarding custard i never took it if it had skin on it.
          im still the same way now.
          and i always had to have a bit of appletart with or id not take custard.

          Also hated lumpy custard if it was not made right, remember you could get that powdered custard in a tin.

          i always had to have myy toast done on both sides or id not take it.
          many times it was done on one side and im afraid mumsy i do not want it.hehe


          • #6
            Re: Fussy eating!

            Originally posted by darren View Post
            yes regarding custard i never took it if it had skin on it.
            im still the same way now.
            and i always had to have a bit of appletart with or id not take custard.

            Also hated lumpy custard if it was not made right, remember you could get that powdered custard in a tin.

            i always had to have myy toast done on both sides or id not take it.
            many times it was done on one side and im afraid mumsy i do not want it.hehe
            Toast done on one side! Now there's a memory and one immortalised in the Police's song 'Englishman in New York'. I grew up with all my toast done on one side, from the grill.
            1976 Vintage


            • #7
              Re: Fussy eating!

              I didn't like onions, but I love them now. Salad was also another no-no, something which I don't mind now.


              • #8
                Re: Fussy eating!

                I could not abide the thought of eating pasta, especially cold, the thought of putting it in my mouth made me shudder.
                It wasn't so much the taste just the feel and texture of it in my mouth. I love it now though hot or cold.


                • #9
                  Re: Fussy eating!

                  I used to hate lemon curd. I hated the look and texture of it. I really like it now. I still can't eat raw tomato though. The texture to me is not nice. Especially the seedy bit in the middle, it reminds me of snot! I can eat cooked tomato or tomato ketchup etc, just not raw fresh ones.
                  Heaven knows I'm miserable now.


                  • #10
                    Re: Fussy eating!

                    when i was a kid i could never eat merang.
                    tried it once and i was sick as a dog.

                    the parents love it but no matter how often it was put in front of me i could not eat it.

                    still cant eat it now.
                    FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL

