Has anyone had a kinder egg recently, is it me or were the toys from the olden days far better and when did the container stop being two seperate pieces
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Kinder Eggs
Re: Kinder Eggs
Not that long....Think its due to choking hazards, we all know the best way to open them was shove it in your mouth, bite the middle and wait for the pop
I was always a little disappointed with the toys I got, I never got the good ones.Heather
Re: Kinder Eggs
They were always one of those things you wanted (thanks to the heavy advertising) but they were disappointing. My mam wouldn't actually buy them for me for some reason - probably expense. I remember getting one at some point but the chocolate wasn't that great and the toy was rubbish. Never bothered with them after that.1976 Vintage
Re: Kinder Eggs
Originally posted by Marine Boy View Post
(Heather, can I just say that I'm disappointed your signature doesn't sparkle anymore.)
Back to kinder eggs.... the chocolate shell was vile anyway, use to give that to my brother *yuk*Heather
Re: Kinder Eggs
Originally posted by Balbarian74 View PostHas anyone had a kinder egg recently, is it me or were the toys from the olden days far better and when did the container stop being two seperate pieces
toys from rhe old days where better for sure.
i don't think they even do toys in cereal boxes now.FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL
Re: Kinder Eggs
I had Kinder Eggs and liked them as a kid. Yes, the chocolate was rubbish, the toys were not often great and they were probably a tad expensive for what they were but that didn't matter. The mere concept of a surprise toy in a piece of confectionery was a fun and exciting one that had me hook, line and sinker.
As darren said, it is very sad that manufacturers have removed toys from cereal boxes. Again, a lot of the freebies were rubbish, but the fact that siblings would fight - sometimes aggressively - over pieces of plastic said it all about the strength of the concept. I certainly know that I ate my way through products I was largely indifferent to just because I had seen a promotion on the packaging I liked and proceeded to pester my mother to get it.
It has been said that these toys have been removed because of the potential choking hazard they represent and manufacturer fears of being sued. Quite frankly, I cannot understand this as my last memory of these toys is them coming in big sealed plastic bags that could hardly balance on a spoon...to accidentally eat one of these things, a kid would have to be a) blind and b) wielding spoon-like cutlery the size of which the world had never seen.
Anyway, these are the crazy times we live in I guess
All the best,
MatthewLast edited by matt; 01-09-2010, 08:06.
Re: Kinder Eggs
Originally posted by matt View PostI had Kinder Eggs and liked them as a kid. Yes, the chocolate was rubbish, the toys were not often great and they were probably a tad expensive for what they were but that didn't matter. The mere concept of a surprise toy in a piece of confectionery was a fun and exciting one that had me hook, line and sinker.
As darren said, it is very sad that manufacturers have removed toys from cereal boxes. Again, a lot of the freebies were rubbish, but the fact that siblings would fight - sometimes aggressively - over pieces of plastic said it all about the strength of the concept. I certainly know that I ate my way through products I was largely indifferent to just because I had seen a promotion on the packaging I liked and proceeded to pester my mother to get it.
It has been said that these toys have been removed because of the potential choking hazard they represent and manufacturer fears of being sued. Quite frankly, I cannot understand this as my last memory of these toys is them coming in big sealed plastic bags that could hardly balance on a spoon...to accidentally eat one of these things, a kid would have to be a) blind and b) wielding spoon-like cutlery the size of which the world had never seen.
Anyway, these are the crazy times we live in I guess
All the best,
because this country is to P C
the shops that sell these sweets with toys would be afraid of being sued if there kid/s get something stuck in there mouth.
so the freebies where not great but that is not the point.
i loved seeing what there was at the bottom of cereal boxes it was exciting.
im so glad i grww up in that time.
im sure other members here are too.FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL
Re: Kinder Eggs
Hi Darren,
It doesn’t end at the whole choking hazard thing either... those Happy Meal toys came under major scrutiny not long back as a heavyweight Amercian consumer group described them as a ‘creepy and predatory ploy’ and threatened lawsuits against McDonalds unless they dropped them. Whatever happened to parents taking responsibility of their own kids? I lived in a time when ads aimed at kids was still rife and everything under the sun was attempted to lure us in but my parents were always there to keep me in check and make sure I developed sensible eating habits etc.
Unfortunately, we live in a time of blame and banning...the line of thought that says this food has a lot of calories in it so it must be the cause of all the world’s woes and therefore should be banned. No, wrong! Obesity is not the product of any one food or group of foods; it is the product of overall DIET and exercise. The fact that a McBurger would keep you alive if you were dying of starvation shows that all food, even the unhealthiest, has some nutrition and will not be a problem if consumed in moderation. Of course, diet is systematic of culture so to address it you need to catch people at very early age and educate them... get children interested in food in any way possible so they gain an appreciation for raw ingredients and fun to be had in creating your own food, explain to them what a healthy balanced diet is and the benefits etc without being dogmatic - saying you can’t have this or that will never work in a million years and, in any case, is unnecessary for good health. It will take a long time to change, quite a bit of investment will be needed and it won’t be easy for headline-grabbing politicians for whom banning things is an easy get-out; however, it will actually start to address the problem.
But I digress....back to the Kinder Eggs thing. The fact that they still are made from rubbish chocolate, the toys aren’t that good either etc and yet they are still doing well for themselves is testament to the power of this toy surprise idea and, in my opinion, the likes of Nestle and Kellogg’s are missing out on the biggest trick in the world. If they are truly worried about a kid choking on a toy then they should just whack them in great big sealed plastic bags that would hardly fit in a child’s mouth let alone balance on a spoon. Problem solved.
All the best,
Re: Kinder Eggs
Mind you, those Kinder Bueno bars are quite nice.
Toys in cereal! Yey! Bring 'em back. I'd probably still be swayed to buy unwanted cereal now if I thought I might get a bike reflector, key ring, set of cool Sugar Puffs stickers. It's the excitement of it all. I can remember when the freebie was actually in the cereal rather than the box and you couldn't wait so you'd be emptying the whole bag out to find it.
The Sugar Puffs sticker sets were a particular fave actually. Ink splodges, letters and funny slogans.1976 Vintage