I can't be the only one who didn't really like choc ices. Nannas up and down the country had freezer boxes full of them. Always supermarket own brand and about 50 in a box, tasteless ice cream and fake chocolate. There was no escaping them.
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choc ices
Re: choc ices
I too didn't like own brand choc ices, I remember the chocolate on the outside gradually got thinner and thinner over the years and eventually was practically transparent, I think they may have improved now but I've not had one for years.
Going off on a bit of a tangent, one choc ice I really did like was Midnight Mint - I'm certain it was mint ice cream with coconut bits in, coated in dark chocolate. Don't know whether it was made by Lyons Maid or Walls.
Re: choc ices
One of the things I remember about the Wall's choc ices available from ice cream vans and kiosks was the paper wrappers that you only really see small packs of butter in these days. They were gold for milk chocolate, and black for dark - similar to the colour scheme on the choc ices pictured a few posts up, only with more basic graphics."We're the Sweeney son, and we haven't had any dinner!"
Re: choc ices
Oh i love these tricky.
not had one in a long time but how i used to go thrugh these probably 2 or 3 at least per week.
not too sure if i ever had those mint one pictured below though.
sometimes the parents would buy a pack of them and i d most of them.
but never even heard of rum and raisin flavour.FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL
Re: choc ices
In the 80s we had a freezer centre in our town which sold very cheap food. They had those no-brand choc ices and those were the ones my mum bought. No, they were nowhere near as tasty as well-known brands, but I didn't mind too much.Nowadays, it is Aldi, Lidl or similar that we get.