For years it has fazed me why not person has (as far asI know to the best of my knowledge - though i'm wiling to be corrected, if so) - that why not one inventor has come up with the idea of reversing recorded what was on a video tape to what was on it before, so it can be re-watched.
I am no electrical talent/whizz to even anywhere near such a degree, but on some of my very old video recording's, you can see what was taped before as the tape ages/get's used constantly. It just ames me with the new technology (or rather advances of the last 15 or so years), why this can not be achieved
I just so wish it could be so, that this could occur one day.
I am no electrical talent/whizz to even anywhere near such a degree, but on some of my very old video recording's, you can see what was taped before as the tape ages/get's used constantly. It just ames me with the new technology (or rather advances of the last 15 or so years), why this can not be achieved
