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A trip down memory lane

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  • Arran
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Mulletino View Post
    Used to love that on Saturday mornings, going to buy an Amazing Spider-man comic, New Eagle, Whizzer and Chips, Dandy, Cheeky, Beano, Scream etc. Sometimes they'd have new sweets in like Star Wars heads that you twisted to get small candy out of or chewing gum with movie/TV cards in. Later on it was to see what new computer magazines they had, i.e those ones with the type in listings or to buy some cheap Mastertronic or Firebird game.
    I once had a photo of the inside of a large newsagent c1986 with a display rack of computer games on cassette for £1.99 or £2.99. The newsagent still exists but it no longer sells video games.

    Next door to the newsagent was a video shop I used to use in the 1990s. It is now a charity shop.

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  • Mulletino
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by zabadak View Post
    Wow, certainly didn't have any money to do that!
    I didn't get them all at once! Just one of them depending on which was around at the time.

    I remember Thunder Clappers, loved the free gifts on comics, I remember getting a Kazoo, a boomerang thing, a clapper and heaps of other things.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    I had to walk to the shops to get my goodies as I was not allowed a bike until I was 14. I felt very hard done by as my big brother was allowed one at 12. When I asked my mother why that was she said I can not afford one now. I did not understand then but do now as she was raising us both after my father died. I digress. My fav comics were of the war, horror or secret agent variety.. was never into super heroes. Our local fisho sold the tastiest bream or cod and chips which were wrapped in a plain paper with newspaper on the outer. Another fav fish was the leather jacket.. but that was somewhat more expensive.

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  • Richard1978
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
    I go back to the late 50's and I remember going to the chip shop with 2 shillings / 10p and getting fish and chips plus change !

    I also remember buying comics from the local newsagents.. Beano , Dandy , Topper spring to mind ...

    Every so often we got a gift with one of the comics - the best was a little thing made out of card and paper .. that went BANG when you caught the wind in it ..

    Rubbish description but some will know what I'm waffling on about ..

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    They were known as thunder bangers.

    I remember the Beano used to have free gifts once or twice a year, normally when the price was going up!

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  • Zincubus
    A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by staffslad View Post
    Yes, a trip to the newsagent on saturday was something I looked forward to all week. I would usually have 5p, or if I was really lucky and it was very occasionally, I might have a whole 10p. I could buy a comic or with 10p, 2 comics or a comic and sweets.

    I go back to the late 50's and I remember going to the chip shop with 2 shillings / 10p and getting fish and chips plus change !

    I also remember buying comics from the local newsagents.. Beano , Dandy , Topper spring to mind ...

    Every so often we got a gift with one of the comics - the best was a little thing made out of card and paper .. that went BANG when you caught the wind in it ..

    Rubbish description but some will know what I'm waffling on about ..

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    Last edited by Zincubus; 13-11-2018, 22:10.

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by big kid View Post
    it used to be in bolton, england. where i live.
    Wow .... I'm a Bury lad .. we're almost neighbours !

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  • staffslad
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Yes, a trip to the newsagent on saturday was something I looked forward to all week. I would usually have 5p, or if I was really lucky and it was very occasionally, I might have a whole 10p. I could buy a comic or with 10p, 2 comics or a comic and sweets.

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  • zabadak
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Wow, certainly didn't have any money to do that!

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  • Mulletino
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Riding your bike to the local Newsagent on a Saturday morning to spend pocket money on a new comic (or useless sweet/toy).

    Used to love that on Saturday mornings, going to buy an Amazing Spider-man comic, New Eagle, Whizzer and Chips, Dandy, Cheeky, Beano, Scream etc. Sometimes they'd have new sweets in like Star Wars heads that you twisted to get small candy out of or chewing gum with movie/TV cards in. Later on it was to see what new computer magazines they had, i.e those ones with the type in listings or to buy some cheap Mastertronic or Firebird game.

    I wonder if kids nowadays still do this? or is all their entertainment online?

    (I've recently been buying the old annuals if I see them at a charity shop or flea market)

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Anyone have a new subject?

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  • George 1978
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    That one reminded me of when my late father was shopping in our local Co-op and on the PA system, the voice asked for a staff member who had the same surname as my father (and myself for that matter) to come to the manager's office at once. My father, who upon hearing the de ja vu of the namesake being mentioned, actually thought that the message was for him and he went and found the office, and the staff up there had no idea who he was and asked why he went up there.

    I am certain that Nottingham's Victoria Centre was like that with lost children, putting the message across on the PA system so that the world and his dog could her it.

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  • Richard1978
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    I've been lost a few times in shops but normally my parents managed to find me.

    One odd occasion was when my brother managed to get lost in Lewis's department store in Manchester, especially as he wasn't that young at the time.

    Me & my Dad informed the staff who put an announcement over the PA but this only confused him as it didn't tell him where to go to, but eventually they managed to track him down.

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  • staffslad
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Although I have never to my knowledge been lost, I remember an incident from childhood that really scared me. I would have been perhaps 6 years old and I went with my parents in the car. They had to go into a couple of shops and I didn't want to go so they left me in the car on my own. The doors were locked so no-one could get in, but suddenly all the talks we had had at school warning about stranger danger came back to me and I was convinced someone was going to kidnap me. I was so scared that I started crying and hid in the footwell between the front and rear seats. I was so relieved when they came back--maybe I had been alone 20 minutes or less. Even now that panic that gripped me is so fresh in my mind.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    I recall getting separated from my mother and older brother during a day at the Sydney Easter Show. Was easy to get lost given the thousands of visitors that attended the annual show ..where the country meets the city. I digress. I was about 8 from memory and it was a terrible feeling. One second I had my mothers hand and the next nothing. I found myself among a throng of strangers and was being pushed further and further away from where we had been. I yelled "mummy mummy" but the noise of the happy chattering people drowned out my pleas. I suddenly burst into tears. I managed to remove myself from the thronging mass of people and over to a wall where I continued to wail. An elderly couple asked me what the matter was and I told them. "Dont worry" they said "we will find your mother". They then took me to the announcers booth from which a message was relayed over the public address system. Eventually my distressed mother turned up and took me in her arms. This was a very worrying time for someone so young.

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    I still get lost as a 60 year old !!

    I rarely ever dream JUST the occasional BAD dream which is always about getting lost !!

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