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A trip down memory lane

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  • Mulletino
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
    We used to climb on shed or outside building roofs - about 7' high and jump off and land on concrete flags ... when i think about it I can remember the burning sensation in my ankles and feet ..
    That was the worst feeling, jumping off a high wall after sitting on it for a while to get that horrid feet/ankle burn!

    We used to play on our shed and garage roofs, they were asbestos so we had to be careful we didn't fall through them, that was the only worry back then!

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  • Mulletino
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by staffslad View Post
    Something that neatly illustrates the difference between previous generations and today is play equipment in parks. It used to be that it was just constructed on bare concrete, now it is constructed on that soft, slightly springy material, just in case one of the children fall over. Also, at our local park, the play equipment is now fenced off and you have to go through a gate to access it to keep dogs away.
    Yup, our climbing frame was pretty much metal tubing with concrete and broken bottles underneath, that certainly taught you not to fall off!

    The swings were metal framed with wooden seats, which we'd jump off of, they hurt when they got you in the face/head though.

    Roundabouts were also metal and wood, with gaps that you could fit your arm under, if you were stupid.

    The local slide was a massive metal affair, with a cage up the top which we'd climb in, and the actual slide was long and metal, a real leg burner in the summer, but awesome when it worked.

    When we were visiting the UK this year we stayed at my brother's house and took my kids to a local park, i was pleased to see they still have a metal/wood roundabout, a big metal seesaw (which my brother and I had a go on) and the old style swings, so refreshing in this day of rubber and plastic.

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  • Zincubus
    A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    As i have said many times, as a kid you are fearless, invincible because danger rarely enters your head. We would scale buildings due for demolition to get the lead flashing
    We used to climb on shed or outside building roofs - about 7' high and jump off and land on concrete flags ... when i think about it I can remember the burning sensation in my ankles and feet ..

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • staffslad
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Something that neatly illustrates the difference between previous generations and today is play equipment in parks. It used to be that it was just constructed on bare concrete, now it is constructed on that soft, slightly springy material, just in case one of the children fall over. Also, at our local park, the play equipment is now fenced off and you have to go through a gate to access it to keep dogs away.

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  • tex
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
    You will never guess what my brother and his mates did with newly dug telegraph pole holes. They would take it in turns squeezing into them to see who would stay down there the longest. One day his mates closed him in and shortly after they scattered as a thunderstorm hit. My brother almost drowned that day. Shows you some fun play can be dangerous.
    As i have said many times, as a kid you are fearless, invincible because danger rarely enters your head. We would scale buildings due for demolition to get the lead flashing

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    You will never guess what my brother and his mates did with newly dug telegraph pole holes. They would take it in turns squeezing into them to see who would stay down there the longest. One day his mates closed him in and shortly after they scattered as a thunderstorm hit. My brother almost drowned that day. Shows you some fun play can be dangerous.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
    Jees I was only telling the wife this last night !!

    45 years ago .. .. in our local park

    Some workmen were putting in new telegraphs poles nearby and made the mistake of leaving one at the roadside overnight..

    About 20 of us carried it into the park playground area and wedged it in between two climbing stumps ..then used it as a huge 20' see~saw !!!

    Health and safety nightmare

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    spot on

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
    We made our own fun in our era .. todays kids are spoon fed their fun.
    See post above

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Jees I was only telling the wife this last night !!

    45 years ago .. .. in our local park

    Some workmen were putting in new telegraphs poles nearby and made the mistake of leaving one at the roadside overnight..

    About 20 of us carried it into the park playground area and wedged it in between two climbing stumps ..then used it as a huge 20' see~saw !!!

    Health and safety nightmare

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    Monsters is probably an apt description but it was all innocent but mischievous fun, a rite of passage that all kids should go through, there is little innocence today in comparison when you see young kids being abusive to adults, being destructive and being generally obnoxious.
    We made our own fun in our era .. todays kids are spoon fed their fun.

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  • Richard1978
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    Monsters is probably an apt description but it was all innocent but mischievous fun, a rite of passage that all kids should go through, there is little innocence today in comparison when you see young kids being abusive to adults, being destructive and being generally obnoxious.
    Ironically many people moan about kids today being too wimpy, normally the sort of people who are too far into the right wing media.

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  • tex
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
    We used to play on the docks when we lived in the inner city. Never actually went onto any ships like you monsters. Wow how did you get away with that. Security must have been slack. We used to sneak into huge wharehouses and fossick around. Great times we had. Like you say at 10 you are fearless. Fun is the primary consideration.
    Monsters is probably an apt description but it was all innocent but mischievous fun, a rite of passage that all kids should go through, there is little innocence today in comparison when you see young kids being abusive to adults, being destructive and being generally obnoxious.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    The railway lines were much easier to access, usually just climbing through the hole cut in a wire fence with little or no security to worry about.The dangers of playing on the railways diden't occur to a snotty kid of 10, we were invincible, we would climb on top of the trains without giving a thought to possibly falling off and getting electrocuted. we would put pennies on the line to see how flat the trains would make them and we would explore the dark tunnels as if we were indiana jones. All exhilarating stuff as a kid
    I do recall we once snuck into Everleigh freightyards. It was pretty much where all the old trains went to die. Would spend hours wandering the old trains. I also recall wandering the underground train tunnels. Forgotten the station. These were fascinating and kinda scary. Often found signs of habitation .. probably homeless people. Agree exhilarating for a kid.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    Who would play on the docks or the railways as a kid? ,we had Salford docks right at the end of our street, if you were clever you could sneak past security and go fool around on the freight liners,we would have great fun exploring. i remember one ship we were able to get onto we found a massive consignment of boxes marked "kelloggs", we tore one open expecting to find cereals but it contained thousands of the little plastic toys that were sometimes free with your cornflakes,we all promptly filled our pockets and were able to get out without being caught.
    We used to play on the docks when we lived in the inner city. Never actually went onto any ships like you monsters. Wow how did you get away with that. Security must have been slack. We used to sneak into huge wharehouses and fossick around. Great times we had. Like you say at 10 you are fearless. Fun is the primary consideration.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    never really got the point of a drive in theatre, i think i would prefer going to the cinema frankly
    Before we close this subject I wanna add something. There was no better way to get to know a girl than at a drive in. Think about it when the lites are out complete privacy unlike a movie theatre. Get my drift?

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