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Petrol Stations

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  • #31
    Re: Petrol Stations

    But there have been forecourt shops worldwide...Or do you mean just in the UK he suggested the idea? Cool though if true, not so cool now that its all the same and naff.


    • #32
      Re: Petrol Stations

      Originally posted by darren View Post
      tell me mate have you still got these.
      bound to worth a few quid id say.

      did the smurfs come in packaging or come without packaging.
      Now then CM

      I'm pretty sure that they are kicking around somewhere at my parents house. Must have a collection of anywhere between 20-40.

      None of them came boxed but all were in different poses such as riding a skateboard leaf, operating a National petrol pump, playing football etc. I really must try and track these down as this thread has brought back memories


      • #33
        Re: Petrol Stations

        Originally posted by sf1378 View Post
        But there have been forecourt shops worldwide...Or do you mean just in the UK he suggested the idea? Cool though if true, not so cool now that its all the same and naff.

        I m really not sure it was ages ago and my mum can't remember.



        • #34
          Re: Petrol Stations

          [QUOTE=FLYING SAUCER;138764]My Dad worked at a Local Garage and they had a Pink Paraffin machine, and yes the logo was a little pink elephant.

          Later replaced by a blushing, naked fat man with the 'Pink Paraffin' logo concealing his middle!!


          • #35
            Re: Petrol Stations

            I remember when there were far more independent petrol stations around than there are now- these days, they tend to be confined to small villages, but in the '70s they could be found far more frequently.
            There was one in the Glynneath Valley in West Glamorgan that we used to stop at on the way back from visiting my grandma- it was a green corrugated iron building run by a little fat guy with glasses, I don't think he even advertised the brand of fuel he sold! We used to get free silver-coloured plastic pixies with our purchases, he sold Green Shield stamps too. Long gone as a buisness now, although the building itself is still there.

            When I was little, the 'clock-face' style pumps that sometimes had illuminated petrol company logos on the top, were being slowly replaced by the lower, squarer 'fruit machine' style ones that gave the readout in revolving number gauges and were activated by throwing a lever at the side. Some garages still have these for doing paraffin sales.


            • #36
              Re: Petrol Stations

              I stopped at a service station in Ireland one time and a guy told me
              "i must warn you that this is an I.R.A service station."
              I told him "Okay,just blow up the tyres"


              • #37
                Re: Petrol Stations

                Is JET petrol Stations still around?


                • #38
                  Re: Petrol Stations

                  I can recall many a time in the 1980s/1990s calling at indepenent Petrol Stations en route to the East Coast - what memories they have too. I recall some sold a very basic selection of Daily Newspapers and other basi Sweets etc what i'd probably never heard of/or knew of as uch in my home town - this truly worth a visit to independent Petrol Stations alone.

                  The independent sure had their own charms of the era with ajust a little shop area and other stuff needed for your Car like Oil etc, it all added to the "intrgue" of the place I thought as well as too the lul of the Green Shield Stamps to collect.

                  I just really hpopeindependent Petrol Stations may make a returen one day, as they sure became a part ofr history in the own unique way, though I doubt they may make a return i'd really really like to believe they may return. Though if and when thoughis another matter alltogether I feel.#

                  Last edited by 80sChav; 12-06-2013, 16:05.


                  • #39
                    Re: Petrol Stations

                    I see the odd Jet station around, the don't seem to be that many about.
                    The Trickster On The Roof


                    • #40
                      Re: Petrol Stations

                      Re Q8 filling stations, there are one or two still around here in rural north Norfolk. And a couple of Jet stations in Norwich, too.


                      • #41
                        Re: Petrol Stations

                        Originally posted by sarcymarky View Post
                        I also remember our local garage used to have a machine for dispensing parafin I think. It was a little white pump with a pink cartoony type animal on it like an elephant or something.
                        I'm sure he was called 'Pink Pongo', from the same era as the Unigate 'Humpfries'.


                        • #42
                          Re: Petrol Stations

                          Click image for larger version

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                          • #43
                            Re: Petrol Stations

                            I remember those tiger tails and world cup coins in the 70's.

                            The WCC's were from Esso. My Father was so mean he'd never go to the Esso garage, he always said it was too expensive.
                            So I had to beg and scrape to collect the coins.


                            • #44
                              Re: Petrol Stations

                              I loove the smell of diesel. When I was fourteen I washed the coaches at the local coach company on Sundays.
                              Do you really believe the other side without provocation would launch so many ICBM's, subs and ships knowing that we would have no option to launch as well? It would break our MAD Treaty (Mutually Assured Destruction) not to mention the end of the world as we know it.


                              • #45
                                Re: Petrol Stations

                                Does anybody remember Texaco filling stations in the early 80's coming out with a cricketing superstars sticker album of some sort? Or were they trading cards? I'm pretty sure that proper photographs weren't used but drawn caricatures instead. One of Viv Richards sticks out in my mind.

