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Fogeys In Rock T Shirts

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  • Fogeys In Rock T Shirts

    Here's someting to ponder over the weekend, assuming you've got nothing better to do of course I recentley bought a really decent Ramones t shirt, in Primark of all places. I saw The Ramones a couple of times although my 1980 world tour t shirt has long since disintergrated. It crossed my mind that I might be perceived as attempting to be young, trendy and with it. These days I'm very much without it! It's usually replica football shirts on older..ahem..sorry, mature people that divide opinion. Do you, would you wear rock/pop t shirts, any particular styles that you wouldn't touch with a barge pole? I hasten to add that I'm fully aware not everyone on this forum is quite as old as I am

  • #2
    Arf! Guilty as charged.
    Now that working from home has become the new normal, I haven't worn anything formal for around 15 months and old T-shirts I've accumulated over the decades have been given a second life. The last one I bought was at the last live gig I went to with my son. It was Dutch rockers Focus at Aldershot and the T-shirt has a great Roger Dean design on it. Also have shirts from Jethro Tull, Hawkwind, Uriah Heep and my son's band.

    My most cherished garment though is the one below. Ash Ra Tempel became my favourite band back in my college days and this is a nice souvenir of flying out to Berlin to see them in concert in 2000.
    Your great idea for a thread prompted me to wear it today!

    Click image for larger version  Name:	tshirt2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	29.3 KB ID:	284483
    Last edited by Cartimand; 29-05-2021, 15:07.


    • #3
      I have and still wear loads of tour shirts and i'm 62, i care not what anybody may think especially not todays yoof. What really grinds my gears is when i see kids wearing shirts name dropping bands like The Beatles simply to seem cool when the odds are they never heard a Beatles album all the way through ever. I used to buy a tour shirt at every gig usually displayed on the pavement outside the venue ....happy days
      Ejector seat?...your jokin!


      • #4
        I bought a Metallica And Justice For All t-shirt not so long ago. Metallica were the first band I saw live on the And Justice tour back in 88 and I have started listening to them loads again so thought I'd roll back the years and get the t-shirt again.
        The only thing to look forward to is the past


        • #5
          Originally posted by HG View Post
          I bought a Metallica And Justice For All t-shirt not so long ago. Metallica were the first band I saw live on the And Justice tour back in 88 and I have started listening to them loads again so thought I'd roll back the years and get the t-shirt again.
          Great band, great album....Kudos!
          Ejector seat?...your jokin!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Cartimand View Post
            Arf! Guilty as charged.
            Now that working from home has become the new normal, I haven't worn anything formal for around 15 months and old T-shirts I've accumulated over the decades have been given a second life. The last one I bought was at the last live gig I went to with my son. It was Dutch rockers Focus at Aldershot and the T-shirt has a great Roger Dean design on it. Also have shirts from Jethro Tull, Hawkwind, Uriah Heep and my son's band.

            My most cherished garment though is the one below. Ash Ra Tempel became my favourite band back in my college days and this is a nice souvenir of flying out to Berlin to see them in concert in 2000.
            Your great idea for a thread prompted me to wear it today!

            Click image for larger version Name:	tshirt2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	29.3 KB ID:	284483
            You've obviously taken good care of your t shirts! I must confess that up untill now I hadn't heard of Ash Ra Tempel, just had a quick google and might well give them a listen later!


            • #7
              Originally posted by W1 Rover View Post

              You've obviously taken good care of your t shirts! I must confess that up untill now I hadn't heard of Ash Ra Tempel, just had a quick google and might well give them a listen later!

              This is the Focus T-Shirt I mentioned above - just love that Roger Dean design!

              Click image for larger version  Name:	focus.JPG Views:	0 Size:	55.3 KB ID:	284541

              As for Ash Ra Tempel, try this song on YouTube as a good intro to their material:



              • #8
                Focus like most prog bands did all there best work in the 70s.....checkout Focus3, moving waves and Hamburger concerto. Caught focus on there last three tours, such a hard working band, met Thyss van leer after each show and he was happy to pose for photographs and to sign autographs....lovely fella. Piere van der linden now in his 70s and still a terrific drummer .....great shirt by the way.
                Ejector seat?...your jokin!


                • #9
                  53 and have a few different music related shirts... my fave though is a Byrds Sweetheart Of The Rodeo one just because of the fit and cut of it. Now if it's not bespoke looking I don't want to know, the basic one style fits all type ones just stay on their hangers.
                  My virtual jigsaws:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cartimand View Post

                    This is the Focus T-Shirt I mentioned above - just love that Roger Dean design!

                    Click image for larger version Name:	focus.JPG Views:	0 Size:	55.3 KB ID:	284541

                    As for Ash Ra Tempel, try this song on YouTube as a good intro to their material:

                    Thanks for the link fella!
                    I think to say that it makes for laid back listening would be an understatement.
                    Thouroughly enjoyed it and I'll be listening to more.


                    • #11
                      Thinking about flying out to Hamburg in September to see veteran Krautrockers Guru Guru live.
                      To get in the mood, I had this t-shirt printed from a cherished album of theirs I bought back in the 70s:

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	guru1.png
Views:	51
Size:	33.8 KB
ID:	302548
                      Attached Files

