What do you think about him?
Okay he is o.t.t and causes contreversey but I would vote him in 11 times out of 10 if I was an American. I am so glad he won - he is bold, brash and much but he is also a true Politician who is good for the World and wants the World NOT to be at war all over the place - we sure need one like him here in the UK and not half tinted like Boris Johnson etc - one that pulls no punches and stands up for their Country first. I think Trump understands what being a Politician is because he was owned company's etc not like those in their Ivory Towers who lead and took the Privalaged route through Uni to being in Polotics
Okay he is o.t.t and causes contreversey but I would vote him in 11 times out of 10 if I was an American. I am so glad he won - he is bold, brash and much but he is also a true Politician who is good for the World and wants the World NOT to be at war all over the place - we sure need one like him here in the UK and not half tinted like Boris Johnson etc - one that pulls no punches and stands up for their Country first. I think Trump understands what being a Politician is because he was owned company's etc not like those in their Ivory Towers who lead and took the Privalaged route through Uni to being in Polotics