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A favourite animal soft toy?

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  • A favourite animal soft toy?

    Firstly, congratulations on Yours Truly hitting the big 5,000 and becoming a DYR fanatic for the first time! To celebrate, I thought that I would start a thread on something that a lot of people must have had when they were younger.

    Apart from the obvious Teddy Bears, did any of you have a favourite animal soft toy that you cuddled up with as a child, perhaps in bed? My nephew's favourite animal was a cow and he used to take it all over the place with him, and I believe that he's still got it!

    I used to have various animals on my bed which made it look as I was sleeping in the middle of a zoo when I was around five years old; a panda was one of them - they did make me happy when the lights went out and one had to go to sleep. Not an animal as such but I used to have a Smurf as one of them, which looked like it was permanently winking at me when it lose its right eye!

    Here's to the next 5,000...
    I've everything I need to keep me satisfied
    There's nothing you can do to make me change my mind
    I'm having so much fun
    My lucky number's one
    Ah! Oh! Ah! Oh!

  • #2
    I had a panda teddy, which was passed down to my sister & I now have after being put up in my parents attic for many years.
    The Trickster On The Roof


    • #3
      A soft dimetrodon called Perm.


      • #4
        I had a black and white panda with a hole that let bits of stuff out sometimes, name not remembered (2-Tone bear!). There's a family home film of my brother bringing it to me when I was having some curls clipped and crying (though maybe just from the extremely bright light of the home film camera set-up).

        Others I had were a sleeping lamb, and later a wallaby bought on a trip to California (named Mindy after the Mork & Mindy show).
        My virtual jigsaws:


        • #5
          At the start of this thread I mentioned that it was the 5,000th post I have made on here - when I look at my post count, I have only made 4,970 of them. What's going on?
          I've everything I need to keep me satisfied
          There's nothing you can do to make me change my mind
          I'm having so much fun
          My lucky number's one
          Ah! Oh! Ah! Oh!


          • #6
            You're at 5000 exactly right now.

            I remember a stuffie monkey my older brother had, it's mouth was rubber and it had a rubber banana in one hand. I don't remember him having any other except a bear which I ended up with as my first bear.
            My virtual jigsaws:

