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Sitcoms 70's-90's

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  • Re: Worst TV sit Com ever.....

    There are only 2 comedies that really work. Ones that a rooted into everyday life are things where the people in them you physically know. Everyone knows a Jim Royal. Everyone knows a Delboy. Everyone knows a Victor Meldrew. Everyone knows a Hyacinth Bucket. Yeah, some of the situations might be far fetched, but we've all being in those situation where passing on the story is slightly unbelievable. The other side of the spectrum you have the zany stuff that doesn't make any sense at all. Father Ted, League of Gentlemen or anything Vic and Bob have done. It doesn't matter as long as it's lsced with funny, right?


    • Re: Worst TV sit Com ever.....

      I really liked most of the Royle Family, the humour wasn't as signposted as many other sitcoms.

      Only some the more recent Xmas specials seemed sub-par.
      The Trickster On The Roof


      • Re: Worst TV sit Com ever.....

        Was totally unaware that they made any more OFAH after they became Millionaires.
        lucky escape by the sound of it.
        Yes, it did go on too long, but there are so many classics in that series, and even forgotten minor ones always raise a chuckle


        • On The Buses or last of the summer wine

          but who was your favourite sitcom

          Best Years Of My Childhood Was Growing Up In The Late 90's and the early 2000's . before the world went Mad


          • Re: On The Buses or last of the summer wine

            on the buses.............last of the summer wine made me cringe if I had to watch it


            • Re: On The Buses or last of the summer wine

              With Last of the summer wine..all depends who's in the lead roles.The program changed with each new person to play one of the main characters.Each actor brought their own feel to the program.Some I really like' like foggy,others like Blamire were far too dry for me and after Compo died the show was never the same again.Compo was for me the reason I watched the show.It represents my teenage years.
              On the busses was for me as a child really funny,especially the film where they go on holiday to the holiday camp and some how blow up the toilets,lol.But the show must have all of its main characters otherwise I find it hard to watch.When Reg left it was never the same and it was somehow no longer funny.

              So the answer to the question is that as both shows have high points and low points I tend to see them equally and cannot place one above the other and I would agree they are both fine shows that in their hey day I really enjoyed.


              • Re: On The Buses or last of the summer wine

                On The Buses. I have never seen Last Of The Summer Wine.


                • Re: On The Buses or last of the summer wine

                  LOTSW, although the LOTSW when it was good. OTB was never ever any good.


                  • Re: On The Buses or last of the summer wine

                    Out of the two has to be On The Buses...neither was really funny to me but OTBS seemed more livelier. I did like the toilet blowing up in the film too...


                    • Re: On The Buses or last of the summer wine

                      Unsure. Too young to remember OTB from its original run but the repeats are ok. Liked LOTSW when I was young (and it was arguably better) but not the later ones where it had been done to death. 50/50.
                      1976 Vintage


                      • Re: On The Buses or last of the summer wine

                        for me it has to be last of the summer wine in its earlier days with the original cast.
                        many memories watching this on a sunday evening
                        Never found on the buses funny.
                        FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                        • Re: On The Buses or last of the summer wine

                          Neither to be honest. They are both very boring imo. Hated them as a kid and still can't see what is funny about either of them.
                          Heaven knows I'm miserable now.


                          • Too young for on the buses, but hated last of the summer wine!


                            • Re: On The Buses or last of the summer wine

                              Both are dreadful


                              • Re: On The Buses or last of the summer wine

                                I enjoyed watching on the buses more as a kid.

