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School Punishment

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  • George 1978
    Re: School Punishment

    In Junior and comprehensive school, it was mostly detention - in the Juniors, it was mostly writing out a sentence 100 times "I must not..." Or it would be copying the pages of a textbook at a comprehensive school detention.

    Or, "go and stand over there". The kids often tested the patience with new teachers, supply teachers, student teachers, and anyone who would have not coped with a class of 30 unruly kids on their own.

    There were rumours that the headmaster at my Junior school had a cane, inherited from his predecessors, but it was a false rumour. I almost remember one or two teachers "smacking" pupils, but it was a vague memory. This was in the mid 1980s.

    I wasn't badly behaved myself, but peer pressure can sometimes steer you in the wrong direction - an occupational hazard of being a pupil at school, I suppose.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: School Punishment

    Originally posted by Mulletino View Post
    If it hit you you could go get changed, if he thought you had deliberately dived in front of it (especially after a wall bounce to take the sting off) he'd make you stand still and kick it at you.
    If you forgot your kit and nothing in the spares box fitted (incl girl's PE knickers) you had to do PE in your underpants.
    That was cruel that bar thing at PE - more cruel than picked last at Footy Mulletino, no doubts .,,.... and they say whatis bad is good etc for you huh m8!!?

    Theese day's though I imagine though being made to do PE in your Pants would either be outlawed or like most wear designer ones like Calvin Kliens - be seen as ano object, because I recall wearing oly Y-Fronts eg and dreading forgeting PE Stuff and that'd be a loosing of face - though not now I'd think and envisage


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  • marc
    Re: School Punishment


    When I mention Primary school, I mean what was called junior school. This was for 7-10 year olds. The Infant school was for 3-6year olds. It is the Infant school I was referring to. The cane was used on 7 year olds and ages above. I never heard of the cane being used on younger children, at least not in the 1970s. This is not to say it wasn't, but it seems highly unlikely. Many of the older men that frequented pubs/clubs, and some women, could not remember the cane being used in the Infant school. Many of these attended Infant school in the 1920/30s.

    Perhaps somebody can clarify if the cane was used on children younger than 7?

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  • 80sChav
    Re: School Punishment

    Originally posted by marc View Post
    Started which school in 1984? Primary or secondary?

    The cane was not used in the infant school possibly since WW2.
    In Wales it may not have been Marc - but in England I can confirm 100% I knew of a Boy who got it at my Primary school around about 1982-1984/5 give or take

    It has to be true I am certain and was'nt a whim of playground stories as it was only a small Primary I attended withnot that many kids and it had a top-notch reputation of being the best but also you did'nt cause bother, which with the Head like at my 2nd Secondary School - he was feared and then just like a good Football Manager the replacement sends the place "down the swanny", which additionaly given the said Head's power and ruling and keeping us in order - if it had got outas false, we'dof known in Assembly etc straight up that we had not got to say such things ever again


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  • marc
    Re: School Punishment

    Originally posted by moogleymog View Post
    I started school in 1984 and I think it was possibly banned before my time, although there was a story about an older kid at our school who caught the cane in his hands, broke it over his knee and walked out!
    Started which school in 1984? Primary or secondary?

    The cane was not used in the infant school possibly since WW2.

    Primary (Junior) schools generally had a cane in the Head's room. It was unusual, but not unknown, for a teacher to cane a child in primary school. Some schools banned a teacher from administering corporal punishment. Again it was generally only used in extreme cases, eg. fighting, vandalism, swearing at a teacher.

    Secondary (Comprehensive) schools were likely to use the cane more freely. Again, some schools banned teachers from caning a pupil. Only the Year Head or the Head of the school would be permitted to administer corporal punishment.

    In all cases, the use of the cane had to be entered into the punishment book. Also the name of the person it was administered on. This I believe was law.

    There was a big row during the 1970s about girls being caned. Some were arguing girls should not be caned. No such luck for boys.

    The cane was banned, by law, in 1987. Contrary to popular belief, it was under the Mrs Thatcher's government when this ban came in. It was under Mr Blair's government the cane was banned in private schools.

    Many punishment books were destroyed after the ban came in. Possibly to stop evidence being presented in a court of law should somebody find a way on taking it to court. (Perhaps somebody can confirm or deny this rumour).

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  • moogleymog
    Re: School Punishment

    I started school in 1984 and I think it was possibly banned before my time, although there was a story about an older kid at our school who caught the cane in his hands, broke it over his knee and walked out!

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  • 80sChav
    Re: School Punishment

    Originally posted by Mulletino View Post
    I don't think we had the cane when I was at school, that was before it was outlawed but I guess public opinion swayed the decision prior to this.

    Junior school, maybe about 77, I refused to do any more sums as I already knew how to do them so saw no point doing any more. I got sent to the headmaster with a note (tricked into it too) explaining the situation, so I had to take my workbook to him every lunchtime and spend the duration of said lunch sitting on a black square in the assembly hall. I did this twice then realised he would forget, so stopped bothering after that, nobody seemed to notice.

    One of our tutors in senior school would throw the wooden board eraser at you if you were facing the wrong way and talking in registration, that used to hurt, it'd go quiet, then you'd just feel pain and be surrounded by chalk dust.

    A PE teacher used to make us hang from the monkey bars by our hands and hold our legs out at 90 degrees if we kept talking. He'd make us stand in a ring outside with hi in the middle and kick a football at us hard, if you failed to stop it you had to go and get it, all the while everyone else had to do push ups. If it was raining, at the end of the lesson he'd make us run around the small gym and kick the ball at us full pelt. If it hit you you could go get changed, if he thought you had deliberately dived in front of it (especially after a wall bounce to take the sting off) he'd make you stand still and kick it at you.
    If you forgot your kit and nothing in the spares box fitted (incl girl's PE knickers) you had to do PE in your underpants.

    The same school trialled non-detention punishments (probavbly because teachers also have better stuff to do than hang with naughty kids) where you had to paint the corridors at lunch time. This also failed as said naughty kids would then paint giant peens on the wall which had to be covered over quickly before the teacher got there.

    I did get sent out once from Science for something, probably talking, and was told to go tell the deputy head why i'd been sent out. I didn't bother, I just went to the common area then came back a bit later an said he was out.
    It was the same at my Primary/Sercondary Mulletino in that the Cane was outlawed - though it did exist in part of my time at Primary

    We had a really fearful Headmaster at Primary (though it was a great School too - well homely and the like and un-compareable to our Secondary most of us went onto), so though the very occasional kid may have had the Cane - not many did and it was a deterent (or not one in a way too, as there was no need as most of us really did behave there) or at least until Secondary anyhow and we went our own way's group's of mates wise!!

    As for Secondary Detentions a-plenty was the norm - though I don't recall them being given in Primary ... ever!!!


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  • marc
    Re: School Punishment

    Did anybody refuse the cane? There was a rumour, never confirmed to my knowledge, that if you refused to hold your hand out your parents were called to the school. If you still refused, or your parents disagreed with it, you were suspended for three days. Does anybody actually know what would have happened?

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  • marc
    Re: School Punishment

    Strangely, I never had the cane in school. For all the times I did not turn up for detention, didn't do the set homework and told the year head what I thought about the school, and the occasion when I openly admitted to him I didn't like him, I still didn't get the cane. It seems to be one of life's great mysteries.

    One teacher did threaten to cane me if I didn't turn up for has detention. I didn't turn up, but there was a parent's meeting that evening. My mother did attend, and dragged me along. It all came out in the wash at that meeting. He told my mother I was heading for the cane. I was fifteen, and really pigheaded. I couldn't keep my gob shut. "I wont hold my hand out!" The room went silent. I went hot under the collar. There was a real atmosphere there, but nothing like the atmosphere when I got home.

    I was never given a follow on detention, and nothing was said in class the following day.

    I don't know if I really would have stuck to my guns about not holding my hand out.....

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  • spuggybridge
    Re: School Punishment

    I remember getting caned in Cudworth middle School in 1981.

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    Guest replied
    Re: School Punishment

    one of my teachers used to introduce us to his friend jim...jim shoe. he was a evil git who got a kick out of bullying the kids.

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  • Mulletino
    Re: School Punishment

    I don't think we had the cane when I was at school, that was before it was outlawed but I guess public opinion swayed the decision prior to this.

    Junior school, maybe about 77, I refused to do any more sums as I already knew how to do them so saw no point doing any more. I got sent to the headmaster with a note (tricked into it too) explaining the situation, so I had to take my workbook to him every lunchtime and spend the duration of said lunch sitting on a black square in the assembly hall. I did this twice then realised he would forget, so stopped bothering after that, nobody seemed to notice.

    One of our tutors in senior school would throw the wooden board eraser at you if you were facing the wrong way and talking in registration, that used to hurt, it'd go quiet, then you'd just feel pain and be surrounded by chalk dust.

    A PE teacher used to make us hang from the monkey bars by our hands and hold our legs out at 90 degrees if we kept talking. He'd make us stand in a ring outside with hi in the middle and kick a football at us hard, if you failed to stop it you had to go and get it, all the while everyone else had to do push ups. If it was raining, at the end of the lesson he'd make us run around the small gym and kick the ball at us full pelt. If it hit you you could go get changed, if he thought you had deliberately dived in front of it (especially after a wall bounce to take the sting off) he'd make you stand still and kick it at you.
    If you forgot your kit and nothing in the spares box fitted (incl girl's PE knickers) you had to do PE in your underpants.

    The same school trialled non-detention punishments (probavbly because teachers also have better stuff to do than hang with naughty kids) where you had to paint the corridors at lunch time. This also failed as said naughty kids would then paint giant peens on the wall which had to be covered over quickly before the teacher got there.

    I did get sent out once from Science for something, probably talking, and was told to go tell the deputy head why i'd been sent out. I didn't bother, I just went to the common area then came back a bit later an said he was out.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: School Punishment

    Originally posted by Richard1978 View Post
    I managed to not get any major punishments at secondary school without even trying.

    Some of my friends used to complain about one teacher being a "control freak" over uniforms being worn properly, but never got pulled up for anything like that.
    Yer we had this too Richard!

    In-particular if you wore your Tie with just the thin part showing - that'd be a straight Detention from some Teachers (no matter how smart it looked too)!

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  • Richard1978
    Re: School Punishment

    I managed to not get any major punishments at secondary school without even trying.

    Some of my friends used to complain about one teacher being a "control freak" over uniforms being worn properly, but never got pulled up for anything like that.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: School Punishment

    Originally posted by darren View Post
    From what i remember getting the cain was quite common in my secondary school back in the eighties.
    As it
    seemed to me in THE 80'S i was in the pupils had no fear of the teachers well some of them anyway.
    Not 100 percent cer
    tain but ive memories of a pupil punching a teacher.

    Im actually think remembering back teachers were afraid of certain pupils and had no control as classes back then had like 30 pupils and some classes had 4 or 5 really bad kids.
    This was exactly the same as at my School (first Secondary) par the cane Daz .... and the kids could gottan away with anything - even skiving Detentions as I did once, once or twice out of 1 of the say 5 or 7 I got! I recall Grange Hill even in 1987 30 years since now) that Robbie said to Ziggy - don't go to Detention ... nobody else ever bothers

    Sure as night becomes day and v versa it always like this at my first Secondary. My Geography Teacher (as would others gave out Merit Slips) but he made an occupation out of this to keep us on side as we knew, he knew we was such a soft soft touch or/and he'd not make the work impossible like our History Teacher or go round the bend and say "why are'nt you doing this" or more-ever he'd help us a bit and this is a measure of how he'd avoid until the final, final, finale resort giving Detentions out - which frankly as well I feel served (and even more so) from what I hear 2day served/serves no purpose at all), par to give the bad guys a free ride (free evening off Homework) lol, while the rest have minimum time to do it in!!


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